Saturday, March 08, 2008
As You Will
Let us start off with a question! Does a successful mental attitude require hard work and drudgery? The answer is actually just the reverse. You will find that one has to work harder at being a failure than at being a success.
So what are we talking about today? Let us cover some of our former conversations. When one has a positive attitude one begins to enjoy what you are doing. When you know you can do something you just do it, you do not have to try. Furthermore when you realize that you are a mind with a body, and that what you think is what you cause, then you can be and do anything you will to be and do.
So today we are going to discuss why it is actually harder work to be a failure than it is to be a success. When you are firm in your mind what your goal is, what the desired result is, then you approach your problems with a firmness and determination that is evident to all around you. Those to whom you talk to about your plans and actions are impressed by your spirit and want to assist you as they catch a piece of the enthusiasm you have for your life.
With this yet another question comes to mind: Is there anything you can't do? The answer is a firm and solid No! When you change your mind you change your life. Just begin seeing yourself as you want to be, and so you can be as you will. If someone has done something before you and you desire to do the same, and then simply emulate them and your path will be easy. Just do the same, and the change which will take place in their life will happen in your life, and will be just as spectacular as the change which took place in their life.
Now of course you must realize that to change your consciousness is not as easy as going to a movie instead of staying at home. A slightly different process is required. Many people feel they are destined to go through life working hard, doing without, and making sacrifices. To them it seems a like a preposterous miracle that their salvation is so near at hand and that it is simple to get what they want in life. They may hope for a better life, and wish they could have them, but they do not permit the thought to seep into their consciousness that abundance is within easy reach.
Have you ever wondered why some people could have everything, while so many others go through life with just the minimum of necessities? Be happy with the blessings you have, but agree to be discontent to remain happy with them, since you have the right to add to them as you feel is fit.
Let us cover one of the main shackles that bind people without them knowing. That is the sinister emotion of Envy. Envy is a restraining force; to envy indicates a lack of confidence in one's ability to acquire what one envies; therefore it prevents the development of initiative to obtain what is envied.
As has been covered earlier that most people lean toward the negative side, and that this probably includes you. What you must believe, is that even with negative people, there is more inborn positivity than there is negativity, they just do not use it. The reason is people allow their positive self to become obscured by negative thoughts. If you are not enjoying your life and all that you hope for, it is because you are allowing the negative side of you to take over and run your life. A simple change of mind will change your life.
The solution is simple: Train yourself to be positive. To do that required but a little mental discipline; Every time you find yourself holding a negative thought, chase it out with a positive one. Of course this will take a little while to bring forth results, but rest assured that as you change they will be forthcoming. If you plant a seed, it will be several days or weeks before anything shows above the surface. When you first begin holding positive thoughts, and letting go of negative thoughts you may not see anything happening at first, but with persistence, you will soon find your positive "entity" taking over and life will present an entirely new meaning to you. It may take a while like stopping a train and then getting it going in the opposite direction take a fair amount of time, but with effort it is accomplished.
So then comes the question: How can you be positive when everyone around you is negative? Look at it this way; if you were at the airport and had a free ticket to one of two destinations, one would take you to a barren wasteland, and the other to a delightful lush paradise, which ticket would you select? The answer is obvious, and so is your choice of being either negative or positive.
Which one you choose is your choice not the people around you.
Positive thinking has been so well established that it cannot be denied by any coherent individual. It is no longer a theory but a fact. And, best of all, it is a fact very easy to prove. There are still those who will proclaim: "I tried it and it doesn't work." If you question these doubtful people, you will consistently find that they did not try positive thinking at all, instead they merely wished for success and happiness, and then because they did not get the results immediately; they decided that mind has no influence over matter.
So let us bring this conversation to a close by making the statement that every day everyone is making use of the principle of mind over matter, whether they are benefiting from it or not. The ones who keep themselves miserable through failure, poor health and gloom are definitely being influenced by mind over matter. Similarly the person who has health, wealth and happiness, are also being influenced by mind over matter. The only difference is that one chooses to use mind over matter and the other does not.
Hopefully you are beginning to pierce through the fog and get a glimpse of the new life that can and will be yours if you only decide to make up your mind and will it to be so.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
So what are we talking about today? Let us cover some of our former conversations. When one has a positive attitude one begins to enjoy what you are doing. When you know you can do something you just do it, you do not have to try. Furthermore when you realize that you are a mind with a body, and that what you think is what you cause, then you can be and do anything you will to be and do.
So today we are going to discuss why it is actually harder work to be a failure than it is to be a success. When you are firm in your mind what your goal is, what the desired result is, then you approach your problems with a firmness and determination that is evident to all around you. Those to whom you talk to about your plans and actions are impressed by your spirit and want to assist you as they catch a piece of the enthusiasm you have for your life.
With this yet another question comes to mind: Is there anything you can't do? The answer is a firm and solid No! When you change your mind you change your life. Just begin seeing yourself as you want to be, and so you can be as you will. If someone has done something before you and you desire to do the same, and then simply emulate them and your path will be easy. Just do the same, and the change which will take place in their life will happen in your life, and will be just as spectacular as the change which took place in their life.
Now of course you must realize that to change your consciousness is not as easy as going to a movie instead of staying at home. A slightly different process is required. Many people feel they are destined to go through life working hard, doing without, and making sacrifices. To them it seems a like a preposterous miracle that their salvation is so near at hand and that it is simple to get what they want in life. They may hope for a better life, and wish they could have them, but they do not permit the thought to seep into their consciousness that abundance is within easy reach.
Have you ever wondered why some people could have everything, while so many others go through life with just the minimum of necessities? Be happy with the blessings you have, but agree to be discontent to remain happy with them, since you have the right to add to them as you feel is fit.
Let us cover one of the main shackles that bind people without them knowing. That is the sinister emotion of Envy. Envy is a restraining force; to envy indicates a lack of confidence in one's ability to acquire what one envies; therefore it prevents the development of initiative to obtain what is envied.
As has been covered earlier that most people lean toward the negative side, and that this probably includes you. What you must believe, is that even with negative people, there is more inborn positivity than there is negativity, they just do not use it. The reason is people allow their positive self to become obscured by negative thoughts. If you are not enjoying your life and all that you hope for, it is because you are allowing the negative side of you to take over and run your life. A simple change of mind will change your life.
The solution is simple: Train yourself to be positive. To do that required but a little mental discipline; Every time you find yourself holding a negative thought, chase it out with a positive one. Of course this will take a little while to bring forth results, but rest assured that as you change they will be forthcoming. If you plant a seed, it will be several days or weeks before anything shows above the surface. When you first begin holding positive thoughts, and letting go of negative thoughts you may not see anything happening at first, but with persistence, you will soon find your positive "entity" taking over and life will present an entirely new meaning to you. It may take a while like stopping a train and then getting it going in the opposite direction take a fair amount of time, but with effort it is accomplished.
So then comes the question: How can you be positive when everyone around you is negative? Look at it this way; if you were at the airport and had a free ticket to one of two destinations, one would take you to a barren wasteland, and the other to a delightful lush paradise, which ticket would you select? The answer is obvious, and so is your choice of being either negative or positive.
Which one you choose is your choice not the people around you.
Positive thinking has been so well established that it cannot be denied by any coherent individual. It is no longer a theory but a fact. And, best of all, it is a fact very easy to prove. There are still those who will proclaim: "I tried it and it doesn't work." If you question these doubtful people, you will consistently find that they did not try positive thinking at all, instead they merely wished for success and happiness, and then because they did not get the results immediately; they decided that mind has no influence over matter.
So let us bring this conversation to a close by making the statement that every day everyone is making use of the principle of mind over matter, whether they are benefiting from it or not. The ones who keep themselves miserable through failure, poor health and gloom are definitely being influenced by mind over matter. Similarly the person who has health, wealth and happiness, are also being influenced by mind over matter. The only difference is that one chooses to use mind over matter and the other does not.
Hopefully you are beginning to pierce through the fog and get a glimpse of the new life that can and will be yours if you only decide to make up your mind and will it to be so.
Be Blessed
Labels: happiness, Law of Attraction, Manifesting