Sunday, March 16, 2008
Achievement not Money
Today we will discuss money. We all see every day where people, including some of us, strive so hard for money. We desire money, wish for money, and want more money. If you think about it for just a moment, in all reality what we are really seeking is the end result; what is really desired is what money obtains for us; mainly food, clothes, shelter, and soon.
We seem to look at money as something real. We take a paper bill and hold it in our hands and feel we have something. In reality, as far as its stable value is concerned, a piece of money is as flexible as a rubber band. This applies to the purchase of everything. The worth of your money depends entirely upon the value which is placed on the commodity you use it to buy. For example a few years ago you could buy milk for about a dollar a gallon, now it is about four dollars a gallon, so your dollar that used to buy a whole gallon, now only buys a quart.
Money is just a myth, to illustrate this myth, let us use this simple example: There were ten people in a room and no one had any money except one person, and he had only $1. Another man in the room has a pocket knife he is willing to sell to for $1, and so this man buys it, giving his dollar to the other man. Now a third man has a book, so the second man buys it, giving his dollar to the third man. This goes on until finally the tenth man has the dollar, and even he does not keep it. He buys something from the first man for a dollar. In this room, ten dollars worth of transactions have taken place with only one dollar in cash.
It is not the intention of this treatise to enter into a discussion of economics; this is only to make a point regarding money. Hopefully you have followed the reasoning and you will agree that money is not a material thing at all, but it is simply a means of exchange. The only thing money ever really pays for is labor.
Consider, for example a house: Think of the materials which enters into its manufacture. The wood, nails, windows, carpet, tile, brick, and so on. You may very well reason that all of these things cost money. Actually the fact of the matter is that all of the raw materials therein contained were given to us by Mother Nature without cost. The metal used to make the nails, the wood planks came from trees, the glass made from fine sand, the carpet made from fibers, and many other materials were first embedded in Mother Earth. Nature did not put a price on the metal-bearing ore. A cost came into the picture to compensate the lumber jacks who extracted the trees from the forest, and to lumber mill that sawed the trees into boards. And all the other businesses that created a usable end product that we desire.
This same condition holds true with all of the other elements entering into the building of the house: the carpenters, electricians, plumbers etc who assemble all these materials into a desirable dwelling, etc… These all use the materials to transform them into further product that we will use.
The same thinking goes for our food we buy, we agree that what we pay for corn and potatoes, and so on. However money is not paid for the products themselves, but for the labor involved in growing and delivering the said commodities to our table.
We all can now reach the conclusion that the only thing we buy with money; is labor. Do not become discouraged, this information is being given for a simple purpose which you will soon understand. In fact, what you are now learning will help to make it much easier for you to gain what you really want in life.
Now we must discuss a bit about ownership. Most of us hold a great misconception regarding ownership. It is natural for us to say: "I own this," or "I own that." in reality, none of us owns anything. You might buy a house and proudly proclaim: "I own this house." What we fail to realize is that it is only yours to use as long as you pay the taxes and upkeep on it. Fail to pay taxes and it will be taken from you, fail to pay for upkeep and soon it rots away from under you. That car you drive may be fully paid for, but it is only yours to use as long as you pay the license fee.
Among those items which you consider as your possessions, none of them is permanently yours. In this life we own nothing, we have the use of various items as long as we pay our taxes and care for them.
So let us review what have we learned so far, and what good will this knowledge do us. We have learned that money buys nothing but labor and that in this life we own nothing, but merely have the use of material things. In fact, we do not even own our bodies. They are loaned to us and how long we keep them depends upon the care we give them.
So you now know that money is merely a means to an end and not the end. Money was and is an established and convenient means for barter. Realize this then it will be easier for you to gain a broader perspective on the many facets of life. A person, who works at a job, in reality, is not working for money which they receive on pay day. No, in actuality one is working for food, clothes and shelter. The money provides a handy means of evaluating the value of your work and allows you to trade your labor for commodities and services.
So the question arises; what do you desire to accomplish? If you are thinking in terms of having dollars, you are thinking incorrectly. Keeping your mind on what you want will put the forces of the universe to work for you and you will have what you will.
Here is the strange phenomenon regarding the attainment of objectives: When your goal is money only, you will not be successful; as you are in reality only trying to acquire an exchange. For example; you can not have a million dollars in the bank and get out of the rain and cold. As long as that money sits in the bank you will remain outside in the rain, wet and cold. You can be dry and warm only if you exchange that money for shelter and heat. A real objective would be to be warm and dry, and a way to do so is to have a home of your own. So, if you become excited about a home, one which will make you happy, your subconscious mind, with its connection to the universal will show you the way to obtain that which is necessary to secure the home.
The greatest satisfaction in life is achievement. Think of great men and women we know about, we know them for their achievements, not for the dollars they accumulated. For example we do not think of Henry Ford in terms of wealth; rather we know him as the man who provided the world with low cost transportation, and the production line. He achieved success by providing a service to the world, not by trying to accumulate money.
So it is with you, start thinking in terms of achievement, not money. Think of the things you desire, dwell on the goals you wish to achieve and soon you will have the achievement, and with it will come all the things you desire, including money.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
We seem to look at money as something real. We take a paper bill and hold it in our hands and feel we have something. In reality, as far as its stable value is concerned, a piece of money is as flexible as a rubber band. This applies to the purchase of everything. The worth of your money depends entirely upon the value which is placed on the commodity you use it to buy. For example a few years ago you could buy milk for about a dollar a gallon, now it is about four dollars a gallon, so your dollar that used to buy a whole gallon, now only buys a quart.
Money is just a myth, to illustrate this myth, let us use this simple example: There were ten people in a room and no one had any money except one person, and he had only $1. Another man in the room has a pocket knife he is willing to sell to for $1, and so this man buys it, giving his dollar to the other man. Now a third man has a book, so the second man buys it, giving his dollar to the third man. This goes on until finally the tenth man has the dollar, and even he does not keep it. He buys something from the first man for a dollar. In this room, ten dollars worth of transactions have taken place with only one dollar in cash.
It is not the intention of this treatise to enter into a discussion of economics; this is only to make a point regarding money. Hopefully you have followed the reasoning and you will agree that money is not a material thing at all, but it is simply a means of exchange. The only thing money ever really pays for is labor.
Consider, for example a house: Think of the materials which enters into its manufacture. The wood, nails, windows, carpet, tile, brick, and so on. You may very well reason that all of these things cost money. Actually the fact of the matter is that all of the raw materials therein contained were given to us by Mother Nature without cost. The metal used to make the nails, the wood planks came from trees, the glass made from fine sand, the carpet made from fibers, and many other materials were first embedded in Mother Earth. Nature did not put a price on the metal-bearing ore. A cost came into the picture to compensate the lumber jacks who extracted the trees from the forest, and to lumber mill that sawed the trees into boards. And all the other businesses that created a usable end product that we desire.
This same condition holds true with all of the other elements entering into the building of the house: the carpenters, electricians, plumbers etc who assemble all these materials into a desirable dwelling, etc… These all use the materials to transform them into further product that we will use.
The same thinking goes for our food we buy, we agree that what we pay for corn and potatoes, and so on. However money is not paid for the products themselves, but for the labor involved in growing and delivering the said commodities to our table.
We all can now reach the conclusion that the only thing we buy with money; is labor. Do not become discouraged, this information is being given for a simple purpose which you will soon understand. In fact, what you are now learning will help to make it much easier for you to gain what you really want in life.
Now we must discuss a bit about ownership. Most of us hold a great misconception regarding ownership. It is natural for us to say: "I own this," or "I own that." in reality, none of us owns anything. You might buy a house and proudly proclaim: "I own this house." What we fail to realize is that it is only yours to use as long as you pay the taxes and upkeep on it. Fail to pay taxes and it will be taken from you, fail to pay for upkeep and soon it rots away from under you. That car you drive may be fully paid for, but it is only yours to use as long as you pay the license fee.
Among those items which you consider as your possessions, none of them is permanently yours. In this life we own nothing, we have the use of various items as long as we pay our taxes and care for them.
So let us review what have we learned so far, and what good will this knowledge do us. We have learned that money buys nothing but labor and that in this life we own nothing, but merely have the use of material things. In fact, we do not even own our bodies. They are loaned to us and how long we keep them depends upon the care we give them.
So you now know that money is merely a means to an end and not the end. Money was and is an established and convenient means for barter. Realize this then it will be easier for you to gain a broader perspective on the many facets of life. A person, who works at a job, in reality, is not working for money which they receive on pay day. No, in actuality one is working for food, clothes and shelter. The money provides a handy means of evaluating the value of your work and allows you to trade your labor for commodities and services.
So the question arises; what do you desire to accomplish? If you are thinking in terms of having dollars, you are thinking incorrectly. Keeping your mind on what you want will put the forces of the universe to work for you and you will have what you will.
Here is the strange phenomenon regarding the attainment of objectives: When your goal is money only, you will not be successful; as you are in reality only trying to acquire an exchange. For example; you can not have a million dollars in the bank and get out of the rain and cold. As long as that money sits in the bank you will remain outside in the rain, wet and cold. You can be dry and warm only if you exchange that money for shelter and heat. A real objective would be to be warm and dry, and a way to do so is to have a home of your own. So, if you become excited about a home, one which will make you happy, your subconscious mind, with its connection to the universal will show you the way to obtain that which is necessary to secure the home.
The greatest satisfaction in life is achievement. Think of great men and women we know about, we know them for their achievements, not for the dollars they accumulated. For example we do not think of Henry Ford in terms of wealth; rather we know him as the man who provided the world with low cost transportation, and the production line. He achieved success by providing a service to the world, not by trying to accumulate money.
So it is with you, start thinking in terms of achievement, not money. Think of the things you desire, dwell on the goals you wish to achieve and soon you will have the achievement, and with it will come all the things you desire, including money.
Be Blessed