Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The Laws of Life
There are a few things that we will discuss today, let us start with all the “Universal” laws. These are the main laws and there are many corollary laws and rules that go with them. We will not worry too much about all the corollary laws as they are indeed fascinating the study of them would distract from learning about the main Laws. Once you become aware of them and learn to use them then you will begin to “pull the levers” of your own life.
The first one is The Law of Vibration, everything is a vibration, and we are all connected through vibration. Like drops of water that fill the oceans, each drop is individual, but together they fill the lakes, rivers, and oceans. So we too are connected to everything, together all things make the universe that we see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Not to get too far off the subject, but smaller than sub-atomic molecules are quarks. Quarks are pure energy and are a vibrational wave, until they are observed by humans, then they combine and become solid objects. In short we are all quarks that have become solid objects because we were observed. However let us not bend our minds too much as we have other things to discuss.
The next big Law that seems to be making it to the top of the charts these days is The Law of Attraction. In short, this Law states that like things come together; like attracts like. So the vibrations you send out will attract similar vibrations back to you. Your thoughts are vibrations, your emotions are vibrations, and what you concentrate on, what you think of the most, what you worry about, are the things that will come into your life.
The next one that I think should be the top of the list is The Law of Karma, also known as the law of Cause and Effect. Again I will try to keep it short; this law says that everything you do will have an effect. The best way that it has been said is: What you sow is what you reap. Now you can change the reaping of your crop buy consciously and consistently applying and exerting yourself towards what you do desire, and not on the things you do not desire. However you will still pay the price for your past actions, you will not be able to undo the past, only rectify the present and work towards a better future. For example if you have broken a bone, you will still have to let it heal, and will have to regain the strength you lost. You will not be able to un-break the bone or undo the actions that led up to your bone breaking; you will pay the price of your actions. What you can do is learn from the mistake, and take actions to never repeat the incorrect actions. This Law truly deserves a whole book all to its own, but we are trying to cover the basics here so let us move on to the next Law.
The Law of Gratitude says that you get more of what you are grateful for. The act of being grateful opens up the universal storehouse and brings you more to be grateful about. This Law in entwined with so many other laws that it can not be explained without the other Laws, but it is significant enough that it is its’ own law and not a corollary. Gratitude is an emotion and therefore a vibration and this vibration brings back to you similar vibrations, and causes you to act in a totally different manner than you would if you were having any other emotion. The Law of Gratitude is basically the Law that works with the other Laws bringing them all together.
Next comes the Law of Love; the English language is not expressive enough for this single word, but it is the truth of love, the love of truth, the understanding that we are all the same and we must love each and everything else by viewing them with the truth of love of the truth. This single realization will change your life forever. It is the one thing that divides saints from all others. Those that understand this truth of the love of truth of love, will be able to control their life and influence the lives of everyone they come into contact with, making the world a better place wherever they go. However to avoid getting your mind wrapped around this subject let us move on.
Last but not least, there is The Law of Allowance. This law basically says you are who you are for a reason; you have both a birthright and a destiny to fulfill. You have been given the tools, abilities, strength, and the greatest gift; life. All these are to be used by you responsibly to take responsibility for your own life and to live long and prosper. It is who you are, what you are, and what you believe. With a little knowledge that you turn into wisdom by using the gifts you have been given, you will satisfy the great plan that you were born to accomplish. You will be given the things you require to do the things you are supposed to do. As you progress into fulfilling your destiny these things will simply manifest into your life. Conversely if you are not accomplishing your purpose in the grand design you will receive suffering designed to try to steer you into the correct path.
So there you have it, the shortest lesson on the Laws of Life that I know of. Use this as a starting point to begin to live well, to stop moving through life aimlessly, and to take control of your self. Know that these laws work all the time whether you want them too or not, just like the law of gravity will always be in play, so are these other laws. Fight them if you will, and suffer. Work with them and your life will become your own.
The real purpose of your life is to be happy. It is your happiness that drives you to do what you do. For example: You may think you want money, but what you really want is what the money can do to make you happy. So decide today, right now, what it is that will make you happy, then use the Laws and make it happen.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
The first one is The Law of Vibration, everything is a vibration, and we are all connected through vibration. Like drops of water that fill the oceans, each drop is individual, but together they fill the lakes, rivers, and oceans. So we too are connected to everything, together all things make the universe that we see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Not to get too far off the subject, but smaller than sub-atomic molecules are quarks. Quarks are pure energy and are a vibrational wave, until they are observed by humans, then they combine and become solid objects. In short we are all quarks that have become solid objects because we were observed. However let us not bend our minds too much as we have other things to discuss.
The next big Law that seems to be making it to the top of the charts these days is The Law of Attraction. In short, this Law states that like things come together; like attracts like. So the vibrations you send out will attract similar vibrations back to you. Your thoughts are vibrations, your emotions are vibrations, and what you concentrate on, what you think of the most, what you worry about, are the things that will come into your life.
The next one that I think should be the top of the list is The Law of Karma, also known as the law of Cause and Effect. Again I will try to keep it short; this law says that everything you do will have an effect. The best way that it has been said is: What you sow is what you reap. Now you can change the reaping of your crop buy consciously and consistently applying and exerting yourself towards what you do desire, and not on the things you do not desire. However you will still pay the price for your past actions, you will not be able to undo the past, only rectify the present and work towards a better future. For example if you have broken a bone, you will still have to let it heal, and will have to regain the strength you lost. You will not be able to un-break the bone or undo the actions that led up to your bone breaking; you will pay the price of your actions. What you can do is learn from the mistake, and take actions to never repeat the incorrect actions. This Law truly deserves a whole book all to its own, but we are trying to cover the basics here so let us move on to the next Law.
The Law of Gratitude says that you get more of what you are grateful for. The act of being grateful opens up the universal storehouse and brings you more to be grateful about. This Law in entwined with so many other laws that it can not be explained without the other Laws, but it is significant enough that it is its’ own law and not a corollary. Gratitude is an emotion and therefore a vibration and this vibration brings back to you similar vibrations, and causes you to act in a totally different manner than you would if you were having any other emotion. The Law of Gratitude is basically the Law that works with the other Laws bringing them all together.
Next comes the Law of Love; the English language is not expressive enough for this single word, but it is the truth of love, the love of truth, the understanding that we are all the same and we must love each and everything else by viewing them with the truth of love of the truth. This single realization will change your life forever. It is the one thing that divides saints from all others. Those that understand this truth of the love of truth of love, will be able to control their life and influence the lives of everyone they come into contact with, making the world a better place wherever they go. However to avoid getting your mind wrapped around this subject let us move on.
Last but not least, there is The Law of Allowance. This law basically says you are who you are for a reason; you have both a birthright and a destiny to fulfill. You have been given the tools, abilities, strength, and the greatest gift; life. All these are to be used by you responsibly to take responsibility for your own life and to live long and prosper. It is who you are, what you are, and what you believe. With a little knowledge that you turn into wisdom by using the gifts you have been given, you will satisfy the great plan that you were born to accomplish. You will be given the things you require to do the things you are supposed to do. As you progress into fulfilling your destiny these things will simply manifest into your life. Conversely if you are not accomplishing your purpose in the grand design you will receive suffering designed to try to steer you into the correct path.
So there you have it, the shortest lesson on the Laws of Life that I know of. Use this as a starting point to begin to live well, to stop moving through life aimlessly, and to take control of your self. Know that these laws work all the time whether you want them too or not, just like the law of gravity will always be in play, so are these other laws. Fight them if you will, and suffer. Work with them and your life will become your own.
The real purpose of your life is to be happy. It is your happiness that drives you to do what you do. For example: You may think you want money, but what you really want is what the money can do to make you happy. So decide today, right now, what it is that will make you happy, then use the Laws and make it happen.
Be Blessed