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Monday, October 29, 2007


Understanding Silence

Yesterday while my daughter and I were sitting outside I was going to teach her something but instead she taught me. She surprised me with her intelligence and comprehension, and her wisdom for such a young age. OK, I’m done bragging about her, but the subject we discussed was profound. We discussed silence, hearing the silence and the art of silence. It surprised me how much she knew, and I was reminded that even the teacher can learn from the student. So enough already let’s get to it then…

All people have the chance to experience and undergo a much greater life; it is a conscious choice. However, most people do not realize that they have that choice. Abundance, peace and happiness are one’s inheritance that is only achieved when one practices centering and quieting the mind. Not simple to achieve, especially in our very noisy society, but it can be done.

The mind is constantly noisy, and silence is a stranger, especially among the young. As a person grows in their confidence and wisdom less needs to be said, yet you see it all the time where a group of young people will constantly chatter and older people are content to maintain quiet. You can tell a couple that is comfortable with each other when they are sitting next to each other and not saying a word.

We are all scared of the silence as we do not know what it means or why it exists. We feel that the silence is a void that must be filled either with our own chatter between people, or if by ourselves then we invade the silence by our thoughts, or with some form of noise that we create, like music. We block the silence both from our ignorance and our immaturity. The chattering mind is never quite, and through the mouth, it expresses itself.

The silence is where our source is, this is where we will find our center, our inner strength, and wisdom. You will find that at such time when the streams of thoughts are blocked off, and noise is ceased; a different section of the mind with the capability of transforming knowledge into virtually usable concepts becomes active. The moment that busy thoughts recede, silence is allowed to work and the areas deep in the mind begin to function. Your present thoughts and knowledge are transformed into constructive ideas. So in simple terms noise and intellectual thinking should all stop in order that silence can enter the mind.

Meditation provides an entryway for the silence, so as to calm the mind and retrieve answers beyond the problem. Where the body requires regular exercise to retain its strength, so does the mind needs constant practice to quiet down its unpredictable feelings and thoughts. Silencing the mind through meditation permits one to bond and attach with one’s central being so that one might experience the fulfillment and peace within.

Curiosity is what stimulates the thoughts. A need to comprehend a new event that engrosses one’s thought. Until such time that mind fully comprehends, it will not stop thinking. Each time that a new thought enters the mind, it immediately gets lively and active; as thinking is the minds chief activity. In contrast, meditation entails silencing the mind in order that one can obtain innermost and deep guidance.

To silence the mind one needs the courage to release and set free your past, to forgive the hurt, for to not forgive your hurt traps one in the past. We live in the present always working for the future, it is through our understanding that the future is being built, we can not build without using the silence. To silence the mind you also need the courage to release the future, your expectations and fears and to only live in the present, which is the only period and phase of one’s life that one can exist. To trap your self in the past by reliving memories, or to daydream a wonderful future without actually working for it are a waste of life.

It is only by consciously existing in the present that one is able to let go of all connections to our karma. Success and failure no longer define your identity, which so many people struggle to attain. It is when one connects to the quietness underneath one’s mental commotion that one finds inner peace. It is there alone that the present exists, and if that one can forgive, then you can live in abundance because you have left all the negative baggage behind.

We all unconsciously know without any doubt, spiritually, that understanding and knowledge lies inside our heart, yet we search for it by way of thinking, while the true way of finding it is through the silence.

Restlessness is handled by summoning peace, just like relaxation will be found when one is at rest. When one finds thinking as enjoyable, one should contrast it with silence; thinking will pale in comparison. Although on certain occasions thinking generates cleverness, silence can grant the complete capacity that of which cleverness is only a portion. One seeking capacity from thoughts or thinking should instead turn to the silence and gain a more creative capacity.

Silence will be understood and accomplished when one encounters with the divine that is inside one’s inner being. If the Divine makes contact with the mind, it will feel it and distinguish it as “light”. The emotions will be felt as love; sensations will be felt as delight. Happiness then increases with regular meditation. Love, understanding, tolerance, inner strength and bravery also increase. The ability to concentrate is sharpened, so that one’s mind will be stronger and in control. So that one’s capacity to enjoy the present moment is cultivated.

The different sections of one’s being which we struggle with are our thinking mind that feels pain and suffering, and the silence that feels love, light, power and delight. It is through this silent state of that mind that one attracts positive forces and focuses your power.

So actively seek the quiet solitude, eagerly accept the silence, and discover what being now truly feels like.

Be Blessed

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