Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Soon and How it Applies to You
How long does it take to change from what you are to what you will to be? That is a question that I get a lot, and the answer is interesting and even a bit inspiring.
First let us clear up a huge misunderstanding; your transformation is not going to be instantaneous, it takes a while, and so therefore we have the subject of this discussion. Once you have decided what it is that you are going to accomplish, there is a time lag while the universe conspires with you to bring about the situations that will help you achieve that which you desire.
Said another way; after you gain awareness that you can do the thing you want to do, then you will begin developing the mind set that you will do this thing, and this is quickly followed by technique as you perform your will. As you repeat the effort needed it gets easier, and your skill improves, and sooner than you anticipated you have become a different person.
Is there a set time for such accomplishment? Think about it, the time that it takes is completely up to you. If you vigorously apply yourself, then the accomplishment will come sooner. Conversely if you only use your spare time and a half hearted effort then the desire will take longer. Either way when the change becomes apparent to others, in relative terms, then your change did not take very long at all.
Again I hear you ask; “so how long is soon?” Once you begin to apply your will, towards the results you desire, then the effect you have on your life will not take long. The time it takes from setting the goal to accomplishment is relative to the level of the goal. For example; you desire a cup of coffee, so you go to the kitchen and make a pot of coffee, then pour your self a cup. Your desire has been achieved in only a few minutes as the task was simple. On the other hand if your goal was to build the world’s tallest building then this may take a few years.
Soon means; in a reasonably short time; and therefore is relative to the complexity of the desire. There have been many “over night success” stories, yet if you do but a little investigation you will see that those “over nights” actually took a few years from setting the goal to accomplishment. Many professional athletes seem to spring from the woodwork as automatic success stories. Becoming over night millionaires seems to be the norm for these sport figures. However once again if you check it out, you would find that these men and women have been pursuing this dream since childhood.
So do you have a desire that you are willing to work for? Make sure you are not merely wishing for the change being considered. If you are not willing to put in any effort then your dream will take a very long time indeed. Ponder this for a moment; wishing is negative. When you wish for something it is an indication that you do not expect to get it. The mental state being discussed here is that of knowing you can be anything you will to be.
You are what you think you are. So now comes a question for you; what do you think of yourself? Remember, no matter what you thought of yourself prior to this moment, you can change the entire outlook of your life by simply changing your mind. Once you have made a decision the change has happened, however the outward manifestation of this change may take from a few minutes to a few years. For example if you today decided to be a doctor, you have changed your life by changing its course, but it will take about eight years before you can wear the title “Doctor.”
So do not concern yourself with the time it might take for something to happen, and do not wish you could change, but instead, set a goal and begin to work towards it. You have heard the saying “knowing is half the battle” just remember the other half; is action (sometimes called work). You can not be a great pianist if you never touch the keys. Burn it into your mind; that you are what you think you are, and from this moment onward have a darn good opinion of yourself, and “soon” you will have the results you desire.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
First let us clear up a huge misunderstanding; your transformation is not going to be instantaneous, it takes a while, and so therefore we have the subject of this discussion. Once you have decided what it is that you are going to accomplish, there is a time lag while the universe conspires with you to bring about the situations that will help you achieve that which you desire.
Said another way; after you gain awareness that you can do the thing you want to do, then you will begin developing the mind set that you will do this thing, and this is quickly followed by technique as you perform your will. As you repeat the effort needed it gets easier, and your skill improves, and sooner than you anticipated you have become a different person.
Is there a set time for such accomplishment? Think about it, the time that it takes is completely up to you. If you vigorously apply yourself, then the accomplishment will come sooner. Conversely if you only use your spare time and a half hearted effort then the desire will take longer. Either way when the change becomes apparent to others, in relative terms, then your change did not take very long at all.
Again I hear you ask; “so how long is soon?” Once you begin to apply your will, towards the results you desire, then the effect you have on your life will not take long. The time it takes from setting the goal to accomplishment is relative to the level of the goal. For example; you desire a cup of coffee, so you go to the kitchen and make a pot of coffee, then pour your self a cup. Your desire has been achieved in only a few minutes as the task was simple. On the other hand if your goal was to build the world’s tallest building then this may take a few years.
Soon means; in a reasonably short time; and therefore is relative to the complexity of the desire. There have been many “over night success” stories, yet if you do but a little investigation you will see that those “over nights” actually took a few years from setting the goal to accomplishment. Many professional athletes seem to spring from the woodwork as automatic success stories. Becoming over night millionaires seems to be the norm for these sport figures. However once again if you check it out, you would find that these men and women have been pursuing this dream since childhood.
So do you have a desire that you are willing to work for? Make sure you are not merely wishing for the change being considered. If you are not willing to put in any effort then your dream will take a very long time indeed. Ponder this for a moment; wishing is negative. When you wish for something it is an indication that you do not expect to get it. The mental state being discussed here is that of knowing you can be anything you will to be.
You are what you think you are. So now comes a question for you; what do you think of yourself? Remember, no matter what you thought of yourself prior to this moment, you can change the entire outlook of your life by simply changing your mind. Once you have made a decision the change has happened, however the outward manifestation of this change may take from a few minutes to a few years. For example if you today decided to be a doctor, you have changed your life by changing its course, but it will take about eight years before you can wear the title “Doctor.”
So do not concern yourself with the time it might take for something to happen, and do not wish you could change, but instead, set a goal and begin to work towards it. You have heard the saying “knowing is half the battle” just remember the other half; is action (sometimes called work). You can not be a great pianist if you never touch the keys. Burn it into your mind; that you are what you think you are, and from this moment onward have a darn good opinion of yourself, and “soon” you will have the results you desire.
Be Blessed
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