Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Secret of Mind over Matter
Well, let us start out by saying that all humans have a mind, and minds control matter. Matter is controlled by thought vibration, and humans think. All thought is a vibration, and those vibrations when given out with enough force and power will cause matter to react. Today’s discussion is about your mind over what matters to you.
Now in this discussion we will consider only the influence of your mind over matter, in the sense that you control matter through your mental direction. Let us state that the formula is as follows: You get an idea for something you desire to make; so you go out and gather the materials you need, and with a bit of effort proceed to produce the thing which you pictured in your mind. Depending on your level of effort and earnestness you soon have a replica of the object you desired. An easy example is book shelves. People build their own book shelves by following a simple pattern and plan, and this achievement is a simple manifestation of the phenomena of mind over matter.
The second part of this formula is similar to the first part except it is about controlling events. You conceive of an idea that will benefit many others. You work out the details and then tell a lot of other people about it. Then with a continuing effort your thought soon becomes a reality. For example you desire to open a shelter for the homeless. You work out that you need a large building, cots, linen, lockers, and so on. You begin by telling your friends, then your neighbors and eventually you are talking to the people who have the connections to help you get the building and supplies you need. With less than a year’s effort your idea becomes reality and you open your shelter. Good ideas are better than money, because with good ideas it is not difficult to obtain money.
It has been discussed that you are a soul with a body, that your mind is who you are. In other words, the person you are that others like or dislike is not what they see, but what you project from your mind. Your stature, therefore, is not measured in feet and inches, but by accomplishment. To quote Napoleon Hill: "What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."
Most people think it unwise to attempt to jump from a mediocre existence to the level of a rich capitalist in one leap. It can be done; it has been done; and it will be done many times in the future. Unfortunately, with the average person, the distance from obscurity to fame and riches is so great it is hard to conceive and believe that it can be done.
The universe is always expanding, and you were meant to function this way too. For example if you have a fine top of the line car, your interest will be kept alive as long as you secure new destinations, routes to drive, and things to do with the car. As soon as you stop, your interest wanes and the time will come when you will be bored with the car and start looking for a new one. When you think of a good idea, do not become impatient, and try to rush it through to completion, the only impatience should be in getting started, and once started you can happily enjoy the progress and joyfully survey each completed step. Having this attitude prevents tasks from becoming boring. Your mind is not focused on completion, but only on perfection of each task along the way.
There is an old proverb that says something along the lines of anticipation is greater than realization; it is very true but seldom understood. Think about this for a minute; when a person knows they are on their way to attain a certain objective, like yourself, you are elated. Life is good and everything seems to work wonderfully. When you reach you goal and are happy at your accomplishment, but then what happens is that you stop achieving, and your accomplishment is soon taken for granted and eventually ceases to be a cause of happiness. Success is a journey, not a destination.
Now we must digress for but a moment, do not confuse your mind with your brain. Your brain is not your mind; the brain is that internal organ that acts as a processing station for thoughts and the translation of outer stimulus (like smell, hearing, etc.) for the mind. Your mind is capable of conceiving ideas just as good as the mind of the greatest people on this earth. If your mind is not bringing in good, constructive ideas, it is because of your poor mental habits. Yes we must say it again it is you who has thwarted your mind by holding thoughts of inadequacy, lack, gloom, bad health, and irresponsible behavior. You will always live a commonplace existence until you reeducate your conscious mind to hold positive, constructive thoughts.
Now back to the subject, your idea can be turned into reality with only a little concentrated thought and effort. The key here is once you have accomplished your first goal, you must conceive another. To stop being creative is to stop living and being happy. You must continue your expansion, your growth, your adventure. This is something that so few understand, that to be happy, you have to be doing something. Accomplishing something is what makes the world go ‘round; people doing things to make things happen. If the farmer did not plant seeds, you would not be eating bread. Nothing happens until somebody does something, and that somebody is you.
If you have a task to perform and feel that it is too much for you, and you can't do it, change your thinking. Know that the job is made for you, that you are fully capable of doing it. You can not accomplish it all at once, just one step at a time. You can not drive a car on the freeway without first having started the car, backed out of your drive, and so on until you are on the freeway. You will find that you will tackle the job with a spirit of success and that you can easily do it, if you do it one step at a time.
Life would be boring if we did not have daily challenges, so the universe provides them as incentive to live. If you do not challenge your self, something else will come up, and it usually won’t be to your liking. Again quoting Napoleon Hill: “It is not our problems which disturb us; it is our lack of faith in our ability to solve them." There is no challenge that we can not meet, all it takes is a little thought, and some effort, and soon you can be and do anything you will to.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Now in this discussion we will consider only the influence of your mind over matter, in the sense that you control matter through your mental direction. Let us state that the formula is as follows: You get an idea for something you desire to make; so you go out and gather the materials you need, and with a bit of effort proceed to produce the thing which you pictured in your mind. Depending on your level of effort and earnestness you soon have a replica of the object you desired. An easy example is book shelves. People build their own book shelves by following a simple pattern and plan, and this achievement is a simple manifestation of the phenomena of mind over matter.
The second part of this formula is similar to the first part except it is about controlling events. You conceive of an idea that will benefit many others. You work out the details and then tell a lot of other people about it. Then with a continuing effort your thought soon becomes a reality. For example you desire to open a shelter for the homeless. You work out that you need a large building, cots, linen, lockers, and so on. You begin by telling your friends, then your neighbors and eventually you are talking to the people who have the connections to help you get the building and supplies you need. With less than a year’s effort your idea becomes reality and you open your shelter. Good ideas are better than money, because with good ideas it is not difficult to obtain money.
It has been discussed that you are a soul with a body, that your mind is who you are. In other words, the person you are that others like or dislike is not what they see, but what you project from your mind. Your stature, therefore, is not measured in feet and inches, but by accomplishment. To quote Napoleon Hill: "What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."
Most people think it unwise to attempt to jump from a mediocre existence to the level of a rich capitalist in one leap. It can be done; it has been done; and it will be done many times in the future. Unfortunately, with the average person, the distance from obscurity to fame and riches is so great it is hard to conceive and believe that it can be done.
The universe is always expanding, and you were meant to function this way too. For example if you have a fine top of the line car, your interest will be kept alive as long as you secure new destinations, routes to drive, and things to do with the car. As soon as you stop, your interest wanes and the time will come when you will be bored with the car and start looking for a new one. When you think of a good idea, do not become impatient, and try to rush it through to completion, the only impatience should be in getting started, and once started you can happily enjoy the progress and joyfully survey each completed step. Having this attitude prevents tasks from becoming boring. Your mind is not focused on completion, but only on perfection of each task along the way.
There is an old proverb that says something along the lines of anticipation is greater than realization; it is very true but seldom understood. Think about this for a minute; when a person knows they are on their way to attain a certain objective, like yourself, you are elated. Life is good and everything seems to work wonderfully. When you reach you goal and are happy at your accomplishment, but then what happens is that you stop achieving, and your accomplishment is soon taken for granted and eventually ceases to be a cause of happiness. Success is a journey, not a destination.
Now we must digress for but a moment, do not confuse your mind with your brain. Your brain is not your mind; the brain is that internal organ that acts as a processing station for thoughts and the translation of outer stimulus (like smell, hearing, etc.) for the mind. Your mind is capable of conceiving ideas just as good as the mind of the greatest people on this earth. If your mind is not bringing in good, constructive ideas, it is because of your poor mental habits. Yes we must say it again it is you who has thwarted your mind by holding thoughts of inadequacy, lack, gloom, bad health, and irresponsible behavior. You will always live a commonplace existence until you reeducate your conscious mind to hold positive, constructive thoughts.
Now back to the subject, your idea can be turned into reality with only a little concentrated thought and effort. The key here is once you have accomplished your first goal, you must conceive another. To stop being creative is to stop living and being happy. You must continue your expansion, your growth, your adventure. This is something that so few understand, that to be happy, you have to be doing something. Accomplishing something is what makes the world go ‘round; people doing things to make things happen. If the farmer did not plant seeds, you would not be eating bread. Nothing happens until somebody does something, and that somebody is you.
If you have a task to perform and feel that it is too much for you, and you can't do it, change your thinking. Know that the job is made for you, that you are fully capable of doing it. You can not accomplish it all at once, just one step at a time. You can not drive a car on the freeway without first having started the car, backed out of your drive, and so on until you are on the freeway. You will find that you will tackle the job with a spirit of success and that you can easily do it, if you do it one step at a time.
Life would be boring if we did not have daily challenges, so the universe provides them as incentive to live. If you do not challenge your self, something else will come up, and it usually won’t be to your liking. Again quoting Napoleon Hill: “It is not our problems which disturb us; it is our lack of faith in our ability to solve them." There is no challenge that we can not meet, all it takes is a little thought, and some effort, and soon you can be and do anything you will to.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction, life