Saturday, March 01, 2008
How to Use Your Thoughts
There are two methods of gathering knowledge, the first is commonly known as studying, this is the reading, classifying and assimilating facts which have been organized by other people. The other method is through one's own personal experience, where the process of gathering, organizing and classifying facts is more from doing than from reading.
Every day, before going out of the house, repeat to yourself: 'This day will be the best one I have ever lived." By doing this small task you will find that it will work just that way. Immediately after you close the door behind you thoughts will begin to flow and will continue until the clock says it is time to go home.
Many of you have said to yourself that you are “going” to do something like that. However I must caution you against using that word too loosely. The word "going" is a bad word: It is indefinite. You can say you are going to do something, and if you do not do it for ten years you are still telling the truth. So from now on instead of going to do something: do it!
You will never know the power of your subconscious mind until you make use of it. Give it a chance to prove itself to you. Right now it is waiting for your command. Do not approach your subconscious mind negatively; do not say to yourself: "I will try it to see if it works for me." The other bad word "try" indicates doubt. You do not try to do things you know you can do: you do them.
Think of something you would like to have happen. As an example, suppose you had to make an important decision tomorrow. At the moment you are in a quandary; you do not know what to do or when. Right now begin holding a thought, such as: "Regarding the decision I must make, I will be guided to take the steps which will be best for all concerned, with harm to none." Repeat this to yourself several times every time you begin to have the worry pop into your head. Even as you are going to bed, repeat the statement again. Know this for a certainty that by the time you must make your decision, the plan to follow will be clear to you. You will be amazed to find how logical your thinking is and you will instinctively know that your choice is sound.
Once you have seen this work, do not stop there. Give your subconscious another task. This one is a bit more involved but it will prove well worth the time used to learn about it. Let us start with a simple breakdown. There is intelligence in every cell of your body, and this intelligence is an important part of your subconscious. Your subconscious communicates with every cell in your body making it respond in a way you have commanded.
The subconscious mind, as you already know, accepts thoughts of the conscious mind as commands and acts upon them. You have also learned that the subconscious has reasoning faculties independent of the conscious, but relies on the conscious to determine what is desired and then accomplishes those tasks. So what you think is what you get; whether your thought is negative or positive, the subconscious will without questioning put the thought into effect.
When you think in terms of illness and infirmities, your subconscious, which has contact with every cell in your body, will accept your thought as an instruction and will send out the instructions throughout your entire being to make you feel ill and infirm. Then as time goes by you will soon find a reflection of your thoughts in your health. You will slow down; your eyes will lose their sparkle, you will feel the aches and pains, and so on.
So on to the next task you will start on today. Starting today and every day from here on adopt the attitude that you feel good and look good. Say to yourself every time you start to think of aches and pains; “I feel great, I am getting better looking every day, I am getting healthier ever day.” So with what you now know, what will happen? You know the answer to that question; you will feel great and start looking better. In a few short weeks your friends will comment about how you have changed and ask if you are on a miracle pill or diet.
So now is when you should also begin teaching these laws to those you love and care about, as it is a well known fact that the more one tries to teach a subject the more one learns about that subject. If you have a family of young boys and girls, you may so indelibly fix these concepts into their minds that this teaching will change the entire course of their lives. Think in terms of: "I am guided in thought and action to do the things that will be conducive to a better life for all concerned.” Soon you will see your children begin to become better people, if you teach your spouse you will see him or her also become a better person.
I implore you: Do not overlook the importance of this matter. As a matter of course it would make me very happy if you were so enthusiastic about its contents that you reread it before continuing with your day.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Every day, before going out of the house, repeat to yourself: 'This day will be the best one I have ever lived." By doing this small task you will find that it will work just that way. Immediately after you close the door behind you thoughts will begin to flow and will continue until the clock says it is time to go home.
Many of you have said to yourself that you are “going” to do something like that. However I must caution you against using that word too loosely. The word "going" is a bad word: It is indefinite. You can say you are going to do something, and if you do not do it for ten years you are still telling the truth. So from now on instead of going to do something: do it!
You will never know the power of your subconscious mind until you make use of it. Give it a chance to prove itself to you. Right now it is waiting for your command. Do not approach your subconscious mind negatively; do not say to yourself: "I will try it to see if it works for me." The other bad word "try" indicates doubt. You do not try to do things you know you can do: you do them.
Think of something you would like to have happen. As an example, suppose you had to make an important decision tomorrow. At the moment you are in a quandary; you do not know what to do or when. Right now begin holding a thought, such as: "Regarding the decision I must make, I will be guided to take the steps which will be best for all concerned, with harm to none." Repeat this to yourself several times every time you begin to have the worry pop into your head. Even as you are going to bed, repeat the statement again. Know this for a certainty that by the time you must make your decision, the plan to follow will be clear to you. You will be amazed to find how logical your thinking is and you will instinctively know that your choice is sound.
Once you have seen this work, do not stop there. Give your subconscious another task. This one is a bit more involved but it will prove well worth the time used to learn about it. Let us start with a simple breakdown. There is intelligence in every cell of your body, and this intelligence is an important part of your subconscious. Your subconscious communicates with every cell in your body making it respond in a way you have commanded.
The subconscious mind, as you already know, accepts thoughts of the conscious mind as commands and acts upon them. You have also learned that the subconscious has reasoning faculties independent of the conscious, but relies on the conscious to determine what is desired and then accomplishes those tasks. So what you think is what you get; whether your thought is negative or positive, the subconscious will without questioning put the thought into effect.
When you think in terms of illness and infirmities, your subconscious, which has contact with every cell in your body, will accept your thought as an instruction and will send out the instructions throughout your entire being to make you feel ill and infirm. Then as time goes by you will soon find a reflection of your thoughts in your health. You will slow down; your eyes will lose their sparkle, you will feel the aches and pains, and so on.
So on to the next task you will start on today. Starting today and every day from here on adopt the attitude that you feel good and look good. Say to yourself every time you start to think of aches and pains; “I feel great, I am getting better looking every day, I am getting healthier ever day.” So with what you now know, what will happen? You know the answer to that question; you will feel great and start looking better. In a few short weeks your friends will comment about how you have changed and ask if you are on a miracle pill or diet.
So now is when you should also begin teaching these laws to those you love and care about, as it is a well known fact that the more one tries to teach a subject the more one learns about that subject. If you have a family of young boys and girls, you may so indelibly fix these concepts into their minds that this teaching will change the entire course of their lives. Think in terms of: "I am guided in thought and action to do the things that will be conducive to a better life for all concerned.” Soon you will see your children begin to become better people, if you teach your spouse you will see him or her also become a better person.
I implore you: Do not overlook the importance of this matter. As a matter of course it would make me very happy if you were so enthusiastic about its contents that you reread it before continuing with your day.
Be Blessed
Labels: life