Saturday, March 15, 2008
How to Benefit from Ideas
For everything that currently exists; it previously was a thought. Ideas if acted on will produce an effect. This effect will be in accordance with your idea if you have acted upon it.
So what is the difference between a thought and an idea? Let us say you have the thought to possibly double your income. A desire to double your income is not enough, it will get you nowhere. A large income is not a cause, it is an effect. So then, we must ask what the cause is. A large income is the result of ideas; ideas that you put into action.
So, let us talk about ideas. Ideas are the catalyst of success. Entire industries have been started with but a single idea. Businesses, fortunes, and even empires have been built on ideas. Everything you buy is the projection of an idea. Strangely, only a few people ever have any faith in the value of their own ideas. Have you ever had an idea and did nothing about it; Then a few weeks or months later you saw the very same thing you thought of on the shelves?
If you have an idea yet take no action you abandon it to the universe. Then in many cases the abandoned idea will form the basis of an outstanding success only it will be by someone else. When it is time for something to come into existence it is because it has been thought of. The person or persons who thought of this thing may not have the means or ability to make it happen so the universe “sub-contracts” and so you are given the idea. This idea is important, if you do not take advantage of this idea and act on it then the universe will give the idea to someone else, and so on until the item has come into existence.
Every patent in the United States Patent Office is the result of an idea. There is a never ending supply of ideas, and the universe will never run out of new stuff. Each new patent issued opens up avenues for countless more patents. For example the automobile is made up of thousands of different patents, and each year's new models include many more. If something exists it can be improved on, if there is a problem it can be solved.
Now this next part is important so pay attention; Every time you have a problem, you are given an opportunity. Usually there will be a need for this problem to be solved, not by just you but countless others. If you can catch the solution and act upon it you can become far more successful than you could ever imagine.
Countless times it has occurred that a person had an idea, took action and made the idea a reality, often to their own financial gain. Ideas that are acted upon will take form: in other words a foundation on which to build. Look around; every place you look you see ideas which have become realities. Every business is built upon an idea. The clothes you wear; the house that you live in; the vehicle you drive, the appliances you use, all resulted from ideas. Not to mention that the person who took these ideas and made them reality became successful. Want an example? How about Henry Ford? Nuf said…
You can struggle all your life without making much progress, when suddenly a single idea can lift you out of obscurity into the limelight of success and happiness. You can be what you will to be. So to double your income will require that you put forth some effort. So to help you get started here are the steps to bring ideas into reality.
Step 1: The way to create an awareness of any truth is by instructing your mental self, your subconscious mind. The development of ideas is no exception; you must inform your self that you have a fertile mind. In order to have a fertile mind capable of creating new and important ideas, you must see yourself with that type of mind. Whenever you do anything of a creative nature, precede your action with the suggestion “I can be and do whatever I will” and notice that your ideas will flow.
Step 2: Develop within your mind an idea consciousness. Look at problems as your next great opportunity, and develop a curious mind, become happily discontented with things as they are. This state of mind is gratitude for all of your blessings; but you are always alert for ideas. Then you will always be asking yourself the question: "What can I do to improve this, or make it better?"
Step 3: An idea becomes something tangible the moment you do something about it. An idea has its greatest intensity at the time of its birth. Preserve it before it fades away. So each and every time an idea comes into your head, if it is a not destructive; write it down. The very act of saving the idea in writing prevents it from fading from you. Remember when an idea is abandoned someone else will get the idea, and make their personal fortune by acting on it. Another key point is that the more you do in connection with the idea, the bigger it grows
Step 4: Read your ideas frequently to keep them alive in your mind. By reminding your self of the idea you cause it to grow inside you until such a time as an opportunity presents itself, where you will be presented with the chance to take your idea from thought and bring it into reality. Be prepared as the chance is often short lived and second chances are even shorter. So when the opportunity arises, take action immediately.
So, with this we will end today’s discussion. Write down your ideas, review them frequently, and soon you will be living life as you will to, and not as the leaf drifting on the river of life.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
So what is the difference between a thought and an idea? Let us say you have the thought to possibly double your income. A desire to double your income is not enough, it will get you nowhere. A large income is not a cause, it is an effect. So then, we must ask what the cause is. A large income is the result of ideas; ideas that you put into action.
So, let us talk about ideas. Ideas are the catalyst of success. Entire industries have been started with but a single idea. Businesses, fortunes, and even empires have been built on ideas. Everything you buy is the projection of an idea. Strangely, only a few people ever have any faith in the value of their own ideas. Have you ever had an idea and did nothing about it; Then a few weeks or months later you saw the very same thing you thought of on the shelves?
If you have an idea yet take no action you abandon it to the universe. Then in many cases the abandoned idea will form the basis of an outstanding success only it will be by someone else. When it is time for something to come into existence it is because it has been thought of. The person or persons who thought of this thing may not have the means or ability to make it happen so the universe “sub-contracts” and so you are given the idea. This idea is important, if you do not take advantage of this idea and act on it then the universe will give the idea to someone else, and so on until the item has come into existence.
Every patent in the United States Patent Office is the result of an idea. There is a never ending supply of ideas, and the universe will never run out of new stuff. Each new patent issued opens up avenues for countless more patents. For example the automobile is made up of thousands of different patents, and each year's new models include many more. If something exists it can be improved on, if there is a problem it can be solved.
Now this next part is important so pay attention; Every time you have a problem, you are given an opportunity. Usually there will be a need for this problem to be solved, not by just you but countless others. If you can catch the solution and act upon it you can become far more successful than you could ever imagine.
Countless times it has occurred that a person had an idea, took action and made the idea a reality, often to their own financial gain. Ideas that are acted upon will take form: in other words a foundation on which to build. Look around; every place you look you see ideas which have become realities. Every business is built upon an idea. The clothes you wear; the house that you live in; the vehicle you drive, the appliances you use, all resulted from ideas. Not to mention that the person who took these ideas and made them reality became successful. Want an example? How about Henry Ford? Nuf said…
You can struggle all your life without making much progress, when suddenly a single idea can lift you out of obscurity into the limelight of success and happiness. You can be what you will to be. So to double your income will require that you put forth some effort. So to help you get started here are the steps to bring ideas into reality.
Step 1: The way to create an awareness of any truth is by instructing your mental self, your subconscious mind. The development of ideas is no exception; you must inform your self that you have a fertile mind. In order to have a fertile mind capable of creating new and important ideas, you must see yourself with that type of mind. Whenever you do anything of a creative nature, precede your action with the suggestion “I can be and do whatever I will” and notice that your ideas will flow.
Step 2: Develop within your mind an idea consciousness. Look at problems as your next great opportunity, and develop a curious mind, become happily discontented with things as they are. This state of mind is gratitude for all of your blessings; but you are always alert for ideas. Then you will always be asking yourself the question: "What can I do to improve this, or make it better?"
Step 3: An idea becomes something tangible the moment you do something about it. An idea has its greatest intensity at the time of its birth. Preserve it before it fades away. So each and every time an idea comes into your head, if it is a not destructive; write it down. The very act of saving the idea in writing prevents it from fading from you. Remember when an idea is abandoned someone else will get the idea, and make their personal fortune by acting on it. Another key point is that the more you do in connection with the idea, the bigger it grows
Step 4: Read your ideas frequently to keep them alive in your mind. By reminding your self of the idea you cause it to grow inside you until such a time as an opportunity presents itself, where you will be presented with the chance to take your idea from thought and bring it into reality. Be prepared as the chance is often short lived and second chances are even shorter. So when the opportunity arises, take action immediately.
So, with this we will end today’s discussion. Write down your ideas, review them frequently, and soon you will be living life as you will to, and not as the leaf drifting on the river of life.
Be Blessed
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