Monday, November 26, 2007
The Right Reasons
Before you do anything in your life, whether it is mundane like cutting the grass, artistic like decorating the house, or grandiose like starting a business, always ask yourself; “Am I doing this for the right reasons?”
Yes, the chores have to be done, but not if you're in the middle of crucial market research and yes you need to do yard work but not if you're worried that the neighbors will think you're lazy. Yes, the house has to be decorated, but not if it's at the expense of your health, yes your business needs to be run but not by shooting your stress levels through the roof. And above all definitely nothing needs to be done because you are worried about what other people might think.
Worrying about what the other people might think is called 'Other people slavery’ and it kills your creativity, your energy and your drive towards reaching your goals and fulfilling your dreams. This Other People Slavery stops you from going to places you want to visit, doing the things you want to do, and enjoying the kind of entertainment that you enjoy.
So, look at why you are doing something, make certain you're not always driven to do things because you're worried about what other people think of you. If your tired then stay home, they can go party if they want, but you need a nap. If you want to go to the park instead of the bar, go without them, you will be happier and have more money left in your pocket. Soon you will see your friends wanting to do things with you, because you are confident in whom you are, and they are not.
Nearly everyone you know will strive to be normal; just because it's socially acceptable, and the normal person goes nowhere special and achieves only the mundane. They live in a pleasant neighborhood in an average house, own an average car, and have a normal hobby, with a mundane routine life. In translation this means: every thing they do or have is or looks exactly alike, apart from the few odd differences of color.
Then they save up all year round to go on vacation, somewhere nice where it's safe, usually they book a package holiday, so everything is taken care of and they know exactly what to expect. Even the entertainment is all planned for them, their job is boring, but it pays the bills and the pension is good. It'll never make them rich, but then they don't want to be rich (but they wouldn't give away a lottery win!). They say things like “Anyone who's rich has had to lie and cheat their way to the top. I like to sleep at night with a clear conscience. I may not have much but at least its honest toil.” Most nights after work they shower, change and after dinner, put their feet up and watch television until bedtime. Every Sunday, they have a roast dinner and every Friday they treat themselves to a dinner out. Are they happy? Well, it’s a life isn't it?
That's how many people live their lives; they spend their days grumbling about how they hate their job, get fed up with their bosses and partners, but that's all they do. The same gripes day in and day out, but taking no action to change their situation, simply because they are slaves to being normal and worrying about “'what will other people think of me, if I do something unusual?”
So do you desire to be just another member of the herd, or would you like to go and do and be as you will? Yes strays get picked off by predators, so don’t be a stray, be a leader, be in the front of the herd and others will follow. By following your will and intentions you will not be wandering aimlessly through life waiting for something to happen to you. Instead you will be the one making things happen the way you want them to happen.
You only have one chance to live this life; it doesn’t matter if you believe in another life after this one or many other lives, you can not go back and do this life over again. You have this life, right now, to do something with; so get on with it and do something with your life. The choice is yours, not theirs, they can not take a shower and make you smell better, and neither can you eat their food and make them feel full. You have to live your life; you and only you can be you.
To quote Nelson Mandela:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, it is our light that frightens us and not the darkness.
We ask ourselves; who are we to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you to not be? Your playing small does not serve the world; there is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine; we were born to make manifest the glory that is inside us. Thus as we let our light shine we unconsciously give those around us permission to do the same, as we are liberated from our own fear we liberate those around us.”
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Yes, the chores have to be done, but not if you're in the middle of crucial market research and yes you need to do yard work but not if you're worried that the neighbors will think you're lazy. Yes, the house has to be decorated, but not if it's at the expense of your health, yes your business needs to be run but not by shooting your stress levels through the roof. And above all definitely nothing needs to be done because you are worried about what other people might think.
Worrying about what the other people might think is called 'Other people slavery’ and it kills your creativity, your energy and your drive towards reaching your goals and fulfilling your dreams. This Other People Slavery stops you from going to places you want to visit, doing the things you want to do, and enjoying the kind of entertainment that you enjoy.
So, look at why you are doing something, make certain you're not always driven to do things because you're worried about what other people think of you. If your tired then stay home, they can go party if they want, but you need a nap. If you want to go to the park instead of the bar, go without them, you will be happier and have more money left in your pocket. Soon you will see your friends wanting to do things with you, because you are confident in whom you are, and they are not.
Nearly everyone you know will strive to be normal; just because it's socially acceptable, and the normal person goes nowhere special and achieves only the mundane. They live in a pleasant neighborhood in an average house, own an average car, and have a normal hobby, with a mundane routine life. In translation this means: every thing they do or have is or looks exactly alike, apart from the few odd differences of color.
Then they save up all year round to go on vacation, somewhere nice where it's safe, usually they book a package holiday, so everything is taken care of and they know exactly what to expect. Even the entertainment is all planned for them, their job is boring, but it pays the bills and the pension is good. It'll never make them rich, but then they don't want to be rich (but they wouldn't give away a lottery win!). They say things like “Anyone who's rich has had to lie and cheat their way to the top. I like to sleep at night with a clear conscience. I may not have much but at least its honest toil.” Most nights after work they shower, change and after dinner, put their feet up and watch television until bedtime. Every Sunday, they have a roast dinner and every Friday they treat themselves to a dinner out. Are they happy? Well, it’s a life isn't it?
That's how many people live their lives; they spend their days grumbling about how they hate their job, get fed up with their bosses and partners, but that's all they do. The same gripes day in and day out, but taking no action to change their situation, simply because they are slaves to being normal and worrying about “'what will other people think of me, if I do something unusual?”
So do you desire to be just another member of the herd, or would you like to go and do and be as you will? Yes strays get picked off by predators, so don’t be a stray, be a leader, be in the front of the herd and others will follow. By following your will and intentions you will not be wandering aimlessly through life waiting for something to happen to you. Instead you will be the one making things happen the way you want them to happen.
You only have one chance to live this life; it doesn’t matter if you believe in another life after this one or many other lives, you can not go back and do this life over again. You have this life, right now, to do something with; so get on with it and do something with your life. The choice is yours, not theirs, they can not take a shower and make you smell better, and neither can you eat their food and make them feel full. You have to live your life; you and only you can be you.
To quote Nelson Mandela:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, it is our light that frightens us and not the darkness.
We ask ourselves; who are we to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you to not be? Your playing small does not serve the world; there is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine; we were born to make manifest the glory that is inside us. Thus as we let our light shine we unconsciously give those around us permission to do the same, as we are liberated from our own fear we liberate those around us.”
Be Blessed
Labels: life, self improvement