Monday, November 05, 2007
The Necessary Evil
People suffer from many things every day; there are so many names for suffering that should they be listed it would fill a whole volume. Then continue on with the thought that we will always have to suffer, and I pose to you today this question: Is there no way of escape from pain and sorrow, are permanent happiness, prosperity, and peace only a foolish dream?
The answer is an empathetic NO. There is a way; a method that by which disease, poverty, and any adverse condition or circumstance can be put aside never to return. There is a method, by which a permanent prosperity can be secured, free from all fear of the return of adversity, and there is a practice by which unbroken and unending peace and bliss can be realized.
The beginning of the way which leads to this glorious realization is the right understanding of the nature of evil. It is not sufficient to deny or ignore evil; it must be understood. It is not enough to pray to remove the evil; you must find out why it is there, and what lesson it has for you. It is necessary that you get outside yourself, and must begin to examine and understand yourself.
The universe has a plan for you, and you must learn what it is and perform as expected. If you do not willingly attend to lessons you must learn then the experience will fall on you like punishment. In the school of experience, you must begin to learn, with humility and patience, the lessons that are set for your edification and ultimate perfection. So this leads to the conclusion that what we deem as evil, when rightly understood, is found to be, not an unlimited power or principle in the universe, but a passing phase of human experience.
Evil is not an abstract something outside yourself; it is an experience in your own heart, and by patiently examining and rectifying your heart you will be gradually led into the discovery of the origin and nature of evil, which will necessarily be followed by its complete eradication, and it therefore becomes a teacher to those who are willing to learn.
All the situations that we seem to think are evil are merely corrective and remedial, and therefore not permanent. Suffering from evil is rooted in ignorance, ignorance of the true nature and relation of things, and so long as we remain in that state of ignorance, we remain subject to evil. There is no evil in the universe which is not the result of ignorance, and which would not, if we were ready and willing to learn its lesson, lead us to higher wisdom, and then vanish away.
Unfortunately people continue to suffer from evil, and it just won’t go away because we are not willing or prepared to learn the lesson which it came to teach us. So we ask “why pass through the darkness of evil at all?" Because, by ignorance, you have chosen to do so, and because, by doing so, you may under- stand both good and evil, and may the more appreciate the light by having passed through the darkness.
All evil is the direct result of ignorance, so, when the lessons of evil are fully learned, ignorance passes away, and wisdom takes its place. Yet we are like a disobedient child who refuses to learn its lessons, so it comes to a point where if the lesson is not learned voluntarily then it must be learned through harsh experience. Those who refuse to learn and to remain in continual ignorance will suffer continually recurring punishments in the form of disease, sorrow, disappointment, and unrest.
So if you would shake yourself free of the evil which seems to surround you, then you must be willing and ready to learn, and you must be mentally prepared to undergo the process through which wisdom, happiness and peace can be secured.
You can shut yourself into a dark room, and deny that the light exists, but it still exists even without you. So in a similar way you may shut out the light of truth, and in doing so subject yourself to the necessary harsh lessons that you will soon face. Instead you should pull down the walls of prejudice, self-seeking and error which you have built around yourself, and so let in the glorious and omnipresent light of the truth.
It is a comprehensive study of your inner self that will help you to realize, and not merely hold as a theory, that evil is a passing phase, a self created shadow; that all your pains, sorrows and misfortunes have come to you by a process of undeviating and absolutely perfect law, and have come to you because you deserve and require them, so that by first enduring, and then understanding them, you will be made stronger, wiser, and nobler.
When you have fully entered into this realization, you will be in a position to mould your own circumstances, to transmute all evil into good and to weave the very fabric of your destiny.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
The answer is an empathetic NO. There is a way; a method that by which disease, poverty, and any adverse condition or circumstance can be put aside never to return. There is a method, by which a permanent prosperity can be secured, free from all fear of the return of adversity, and there is a practice by which unbroken and unending peace and bliss can be realized.
The beginning of the way which leads to this glorious realization is the right understanding of the nature of evil. It is not sufficient to deny or ignore evil; it must be understood. It is not enough to pray to remove the evil; you must find out why it is there, and what lesson it has for you. It is necessary that you get outside yourself, and must begin to examine and understand yourself.
The universe has a plan for you, and you must learn what it is and perform as expected. If you do not willingly attend to lessons you must learn then the experience will fall on you like punishment. In the school of experience, you must begin to learn, with humility and patience, the lessons that are set for your edification and ultimate perfection. So this leads to the conclusion that what we deem as evil, when rightly understood, is found to be, not an unlimited power or principle in the universe, but a passing phase of human experience.
Evil is not an abstract something outside yourself; it is an experience in your own heart, and by patiently examining and rectifying your heart you will be gradually led into the discovery of the origin and nature of evil, which will necessarily be followed by its complete eradication, and it therefore becomes a teacher to those who are willing to learn.
All the situations that we seem to think are evil are merely corrective and remedial, and therefore not permanent. Suffering from evil is rooted in ignorance, ignorance of the true nature and relation of things, and so long as we remain in that state of ignorance, we remain subject to evil. There is no evil in the universe which is not the result of ignorance, and which would not, if we were ready and willing to learn its lesson, lead us to higher wisdom, and then vanish away.
Unfortunately people continue to suffer from evil, and it just won’t go away because we are not willing or prepared to learn the lesson which it came to teach us. So we ask “why pass through the darkness of evil at all?" Because, by ignorance, you have chosen to do so, and because, by doing so, you may under- stand both good and evil, and may the more appreciate the light by having passed through the darkness.
All evil is the direct result of ignorance, so, when the lessons of evil are fully learned, ignorance passes away, and wisdom takes its place. Yet we are like a disobedient child who refuses to learn its lessons, so it comes to a point where if the lesson is not learned voluntarily then it must be learned through harsh experience. Those who refuse to learn and to remain in continual ignorance will suffer continually recurring punishments in the form of disease, sorrow, disappointment, and unrest.
So if you would shake yourself free of the evil which seems to surround you, then you must be willing and ready to learn, and you must be mentally prepared to undergo the process through which wisdom, happiness and peace can be secured.
You can shut yourself into a dark room, and deny that the light exists, but it still exists even without you. So in a similar way you may shut out the light of truth, and in doing so subject yourself to the necessary harsh lessons that you will soon face. Instead you should pull down the walls of prejudice, self-seeking and error which you have built around yourself, and so let in the glorious and omnipresent light of the truth.
It is a comprehensive study of your inner self that will help you to realize, and not merely hold as a theory, that evil is a passing phase, a self created shadow; that all your pains, sorrows and misfortunes have come to you by a process of undeviating and absolutely perfect law, and have come to you because you deserve and require them, so that by first enduring, and then understanding them, you will be made stronger, wiser, and nobler.
When you have fully entered into this realization, you will be in a position to mould your own circumstances, to transmute all evil into good and to weave the very fabric of your destiny.
Be Blessed
Labels: life, self improvement