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Monday, October 15, 2007


What are We doing Here?

This world we live in is our training ground; it is a vast gymnasium for the development of our very being. We are here to evolve and become greater beings.

We are here to play the game of life. Our training will appear as we are ready. We will match our courage against our adversities and acquire fearlessness. We will try our optimism against our disappointments and learn cheerfulness. We will pit our patience against our failures and gain persistence.

We are torn from our ambition by opponents and learn tolerance of others. We fall from the heights of vanity and pride, and learn to be modest and humble. We will encounter pain and sorrow and learn sympathy with suffering.

It is through such experiences that we will grow to become better people. It is only in this environment dedicated to our spiritual development that we can evolve the latent powers within us.
This is the universe we find ourselves in, and from it there is no escape. No one can avoid life; not even the foolish ones who, when the difficulties before them appear for the moment overwhelming, try to escape by suicide. A person cannot die. You can only choose how you will live.

You may either helplessly drift through the world suffering from all the ills and evils that make so many unhappy or you may choose the method of conscious evolution that makes life truly wonderful. You may be either the suffering slave of nature or the master of your own life.

Now, all powers possessed by us human being, are latent in all humans and can, in time, be developed and brought into action. Through learning and practice your talents and powers can be brought forth. Of course there is no magic by which the fool can instantly become wise, or the brutal can be immediately transformed into a saint. There will come a time when you reach the point in your evolution where you begin to comprehend the purpose of life, and to develop the will to put forth your energies in co-operation with nature.

However this transformation from the darkness of ignorance to light of spiritual illumination, from helplessness to power, must be brought about by your own efforts, for it is a process of evolution; of forcing the latent to become the active.

Therefore you must resolve to take your self by the hand for definite and systematic self improvement. Nobody else can do the work for you. Certain moral qualities must be gained before there can be spiritual illumination and genuine wisdom and such qualities, or virtues, have to be developed by the laws under which all growth occurs.

It is just as impossible to acquire a moral quality by reading about it as it would be to gain muscular strength by watching a sport on TV. To gain muscular strength one must take part in the physical activities that produce it. In the same manner to gain spiritual strength and supremacy you must take part in the activities that develop these skills. There is no other way, you must first learn what mental and moral qualities are essential, and how to gain them, and then set earnestly about the work of acquiring them.

The first thing necessary is to get a clear understanding of the fact that the physical body is not the self. Your body is only a tool you use, much like your car is a tool your body uses, so is your body a tool your spirit uses. Your body is only a vehicle or instrument through which the self is being manifested in the visible world. The body is as much your instrument as your pen is.

It is a thing which you, the self, use and a clear conception of this fact, a feeling that this is the fact, is the first step toward that absolute control of the physical body that lays the foundation for success in your conscious evolution. When we feel that in managing the physical body we are controlling something that is not our self we are fairly started on the right road.

Be Blessed


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