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Thursday, October 25, 2007


The Living of Life

There are certain actions in life that reap their own reward; they are fear, worry, selfishness, that results in a hard fisted, grabbing, and holding disposition. These people become carping, fault-finding, and nagging; they have a slavery of thought and action to the thinking or to the opinions of others, a lacking of consideration, sympathy, and charity for the thoughts, motives, and acts of others. They suffer from a lack of knowledge of the powerful and inevitable building qualities of thought, as well as a lack of faith in the eternal goodness and love and power of the source of our being. All this combines, in time, to make the life of those in whom they find expression; barren, cheerless, unwelcome, unattractive or even repellent even to its self as well as to others.

While their opposites, on the contrary, combine, and seem to be helped on by heavenly agencies, to bring about that cheerful, hopeful, helpful, beautified, and hallowed life that is so welcome and so attractive both to itself and to all with whom it comes in contact.

Both types of persons have qualities, and dispositions, that externalize them selves in the voice, in the peculiarly different ways in which they mark the face, in the stoop or lack of stoop in the form, in the healthy or unhealthy conditions of the mind and body, and their susceptibility to disorders and weaknesses of various kinds. More often than not we can tell a lot about a person just by the way they act and carry themselves.

It is therefore not a bad thing for every person to get a little philosophy into their life. This philosophy will be most helpful as one travels in life; it will be a source of great comfort, as well as of strength, in trying times and in later life.
We may have make sport of the one who has their little philosophy, but unless we have something similar the time will come when the very lack of it will disparage us. It may be, that the one who has their own philosophy is not always so successful in their affairs when it comes to money or business success, but it supplies many times a very real something in life that the one of money or business success is starving for, though they don’t know what the real lack is, and don’t have enough money in all the world to buy it.

It is a good thing to find our center early, and if not early then late; but, late or early, the thing to do is to find it. While we are in life the one essential thing is to play our part bravely and well and to keep our active interest in all its varying phases, the same as it is wise to be able to adapt ourselves to life’s ever changing conditions. Change is good for the soul, for example it is by the wind blowing over the water keeping it in constant motion, or by its continual onward movement, that the water in pool or stream is kept sweet and clear, for otherwise it would become stagnant and poisonous. So it is with us, ever moving, and with moving; growth and learning, keeping us pleasant and refreshing.

If we are attractive or unattractive to ourselves and others the cause lies within; this is true of all ages, and it is a wise thing for us, young or old, to recognize it. It is well, all other things being equal; to adapt ourselves to those about us, but it is hardly fair for the old to think that all the adapting should be on the part of the young, or the younger to demand the older to change, with no reciprocation on their part. The principle of reciprocity must hold in all ages in life, and whatever the age, if we fail to observe it, it always results sooner or later in our own undoing.

We are all in Life's great play; be it comedy or tragedy, smiles or tears, sunshine or shadow, summer or winter, and in due time we play all the parts. We must take our part, whatever it may be, at any given time, always bravely and with a wholehearted appreciation of every opportunity, and an enthusiastic alertness at every turn as the play progresses. A good entrance and a good exit contribute strongly to the playing of a deservedly worthy role. We are not always able perhaps to choose just as we would the details of our entrance, but in the manner of our playing our part and with the gracefulness of our exit we can all determine for our selves how our life is portrayed.

This human life can be made indeed most glorious, however humble it may begin, or however humble it may remain or exalted it may become, according to conventional standards of judgment, and in this no man, no power can deny us what we truly desire to become or will to do.

Be Blessed


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