Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Way to Live
We ask our selves the question every day; what are the conditions in our lives? This is the incorrect question, we should be asking of our self; how do we meet those conditions that we find? Then whatever those conditions are, we should be grateful that we are in those situations, for it is unwise and profitless to look upon them and complain. For even if they are conditions that are less than desirable, if we complain about them then we will bring depression, and depression will weaken and possibly even kill our spirit and that in turn will hinder the power that would bring into our lives an entirely new set of conditions.
There will come at various times into your life circumstances and conditions that you want to run from; conditions that cause humiliation and shame. However in the past, after sufficient time has passed, you are able to look back and see clearly the part that every experience had to play a part in your life. You see the lessons it was essential to learn; and the result is that now you would not drop a single one of these experiences from your life, humiliating and hard to bear as they were at the time; and here is the lesson: whatever conditions are in your life today even if they are not the easiest and most agreeable, take them as they come, without complaint.
Meet them in the wisest possible way; knowing that they are the best possible conditions that could be in your life, otherwise they would not be there; realizing the fact that, although you may not at the time see why they are in your life, and even though you may not see just what part they have to play, the time will come when you will see, and be grateful for every condition just as it came.
Everybody is so apt to think that their own conditions, trials, troubles, sorrows, or struggles, are greater than those of the rest of mankind, or possibly even greater than those of any one else in the world. We forget that each one has their own peculiar troubles to bear, or struggles in habits to overcome, and that this is the common lot of the human race. We are apt to make the mistake in this; in that we see and feel keenly our own adverse conditions, or characteristics to be overcome, while the problems of others we do not see so clearly, and we are prone to think that they are not equal to our own. What we must understand is that every one of has their own problems to work out.
Each individual must work out their own problems. Each person must grow the insight that will enable them to see what the causes are that have brought those conditions into their life. All of us must grow the strength that will enable us to face these conditions, and to set into operation forces that will bring about a different set of conditions.
We can be of assistance to one another by making suggestions, by sharing with one another the knowledge of certain higher laws and forces; laws and forces that will make it easier to do that which we should do. However the doing, must be done by and for ourselves. Therefore the way to get out of any conditioning we have got into, either knowingly or unconsciously is to take time to look the conditions squarely in the face, and to find the law that caused them, and when we have discovered the reason, the thing to do is not to rebel against it, not to resist it, but to go with it by working in harmony with it.
If we work in harmony with those laws, then they will work for our highest good, and this will take us where we desire. If we resist it, if we fail to work in harmony with it, it will eventually break us to pieces. The law is immutable in its workings. Go with it, and it brings all things our way; resist it, and it brings suffering, pain, loss, and desolation.
If at any time we think that our own lot is about the hardest there is, and if we are able to persuade ourselves that we can find no one whose lot is just a little harder than ours, then let us then study for a little while the problem, and after studying it, be grateful that the conditions in our life, are so favorable for us to learn from. Then set about with gusto and a firm resolve to actualize the conditions that we most desire.
Thought is basis of all success or failure, of all that is desirable or undesirable in human life. The type of thought we think both creates and draws conditions in to your life, conditions exactly the same in nature as is the thought that gives them form. Thoughts are force, and each creates of its kind, whether we realize it or not. The great law of the drawing power of the mind, which says that like creates like, and that like attracts like, is continually working in every human life, for it is one of the great immutable laws of the universe.
For one to take time to see clearly the things you would attain, and then to hold that idea steadily and continually in your mind, never allowing faith, positive thought forces, to give way to or to be neutralized by doubts or fears, is to develop inner strength. Then to set about doing each day what your hands find to do, never complaining, but spending the time that you would otherwise spend in complaint, instead focusing your thought forces upon the ideal that your mind has, will sooner or later bring about the full materialization of that life you think you deserve.
There are those who, when they begin to grasp the fact that there is a science of thought, in their early enthusiasm are not able to see results as quickly as they expect and are apt to think that there is not very much in that which of which we have spoken. They must remember, however, that in endeavoring to overcome an old habit by growing a new habit, everything cannot be done all at once.
Like any new skill, as we use it becomes easier to use, In the same degree that we attempt to use the thought forces do we continually become able to use them more effectively. Progress is slow at first, then more rapid as we proceed. Power grows by using it, or in other words, using brings a continually increasing power. This is governed by law the same as are all the things in our lives, and all the things in the universe about us. So it is in the use of thought forces; it is the constant duplication of the thought that grows the power of continually stronger thought and that finally brings manifestation.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
There will come at various times into your life circumstances and conditions that you want to run from; conditions that cause humiliation and shame. However in the past, after sufficient time has passed, you are able to look back and see clearly the part that every experience had to play a part in your life. You see the lessons it was essential to learn; and the result is that now you would not drop a single one of these experiences from your life, humiliating and hard to bear as they were at the time; and here is the lesson: whatever conditions are in your life today even if they are not the easiest and most agreeable, take them as they come, without complaint.
Meet them in the wisest possible way; knowing that they are the best possible conditions that could be in your life, otherwise they would not be there; realizing the fact that, although you may not at the time see why they are in your life, and even though you may not see just what part they have to play, the time will come when you will see, and be grateful for every condition just as it came.
Everybody is so apt to think that their own conditions, trials, troubles, sorrows, or struggles, are greater than those of the rest of mankind, or possibly even greater than those of any one else in the world. We forget that each one has their own peculiar troubles to bear, or struggles in habits to overcome, and that this is the common lot of the human race. We are apt to make the mistake in this; in that we see and feel keenly our own adverse conditions, or characteristics to be overcome, while the problems of others we do not see so clearly, and we are prone to think that they are not equal to our own. What we must understand is that every one of has their own problems to work out.
Each individual must work out their own problems. Each person must grow the insight that will enable them to see what the causes are that have brought those conditions into their life. All of us must grow the strength that will enable us to face these conditions, and to set into operation forces that will bring about a different set of conditions.
We can be of assistance to one another by making suggestions, by sharing with one another the knowledge of certain higher laws and forces; laws and forces that will make it easier to do that which we should do. However the doing, must be done by and for ourselves. Therefore the way to get out of any conditioning we have got into, either knowingly or unconsciously is to take time to look the conditions squarely in the face, and to find the law that caused them, and when we have discovered the reason, the thing to do is not to rebel against it, not to resist it, but to go with it by working in harmony with it.
If we work in harmony with those laws, then they will work for our highest good, and this will take us where we desire. If we resist it, if we fail to work in harmony with it, it will eventually break us to pieces. The law is immutable in its workings. Go with it, and it brings all things our way; resist it, and it brings suffering, pain, loss, and desolation.
If at any time we think that our own lot is about the hardest there is, and if we are able to persuade ourselves that we can find no one whose lot is just a little harder than ours, then let us then study for a little while the problem, and after studying it, be grateful that the conditions in our life, are so favorable for us to learn from. Then set about with gusto and a firm resolve to actualize the conditions that we most desire.
Thought is basis of all success or failure, of all that is desirable or undesirable in human life. The type of thought we think both creates and draws conditions in to your life, conditions exactly the same in nature as is the thought that gives them form. Thoughts are force, and each creates of its kind, whether we realize it or not. The great law of the drawing power of the mind, which says that like creates like, and that like attracts like, is continually working in every human life, for it is one of the great immutable laws of the universe.
For one to take time to see clearly the things you would attain, and then to hold that idea steadily and continually in your mind, never allowing faith, positive thought forces, to give way to or to be neutralized by doubts or fears, is to develop inner strength. Then to set about doing each day what your hands find to do, never complaining, but spending the time that you would otherwise spend in complaint, instead focusing your thought forces upon the ideal that your mind has, will sooner or later bring about the full materialization of that life you think you deserve.
There are those who, when they begin to grasp the fact that there is a science of thought, in their early enthusiasm are not able to see results as quickly as they expect and are apt to think that there is not very much in that which of which we have spoken. They must remember, however, that in endeavoring to overcome an old habit by growing a new habit, everything cannot be done all at once.
Like any new skill, as we use it becomes easier to use, In the same degree that we attempt to use the thought forces do we continually become able to use them more effectively. Progress is slow at first, then more rapid as we proceed. Power grows by using it, or in other words, using brings a continually increasing power. This is governed by law the same as are all the things in our lives, and all the things in the universe about us. So it is in the use of thought forces; it is the constant duplication of the thought that grows the power of continually stronger thought and that finally brings manifestation.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction