Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Controlling our Thoughts
Every moment of our lives we are forming habits. Some habits are of a desirable nature; some are not. Some, that we think are not so bad by themselves, become exceedingly bad in their cumulative effects, and cause us loss, pain and anguish. While if we would but think of their opposites those would bring us peace and joy, as well as a continually increasing power.
We have it within our power to determine what types of habits shall take form in our lives, "I will be what I will to be," can and should be said by every human soul. After this has been bravely and resolutely said, and fully inwardly realized, something yet remains. There is the great law underlying habit forming; there is a simple, natural, and thoroughly scientific method that all should know.
This law is known as the law of reflex action. It is similar to the reflex nerve system of the body, the law which says that whenever one does something, it is easier to do the same thing in the same way the next time, and still easier the next, and the next, and the next, until in time no effort is required, or no effort worth speaking of; but the opposite would require the effort.
Our mind carries with it the same power that perpetuates its own type of thought, the same as the body carries with it through the reflex nerve system, the power which perpetuates and makes continually easier repeated acts. So a simple effort to control one's thoughts, a simple doing it once and then again, even if at first failure is the result, and even if for a time failure seems to be about the only result, this action will in time, sooner or later, bring you to the point of easy, and complete control.
Thought is the force underlying all action. Understand this simple concept: Your every act, your every conscious act, is preceded and caused by a thought. So it can be reasoned that your dominating thoughts determine your dominating actions. So it must be understood that if thought is always parent to our acts, habits, character, and life, then it is necessary that we know how to control our thoughts.
In the realm of our own minds we can and should have absolute control and if at any time we do not; then there is a method by which we can gain control. In order to get to the point, let us look at this for a moment: Each one of us can grow the power of determining, that is controlling our thought, the power of determining what types of thought you have and what types you will not entertain.
Never forget this fact; that every earnest effort along any line makes the end aimed at just a little easier for each succeeding effort. This is a case where even failure is success, for the failure is not in the effort, and every earnest effort adds an increment of power that will eventually accomplish the end aimed at. We can, then, gain the full and complete power of determining what type of thoughts we entertain.
So if you discover that you are entertaining wrong thought, then the thought must be banished from the mind the instant it enters; dalliance with it means failure and defeat, or a fight that will be indescribably fiercer than it would have been if the thought were ejected at the beginning. Like the example of the match; at the striking of the match, with only a little effort of the breath it can be easily extinguished, but if left to seek fuel it will impart a flame that is raging through the entire building, and will be almost impossible to conquer, causing great loss.
A thought can be put out of the mind easier and more successfully, not by dwelling upon it, not by attempting to put it out directly, but by throwing the mind on to some other object; by putting some other object of thought into the mind. For example if a wrong thought enters your consciousness simply say to your self the word “garbage” labeling that thought as worthless, then immediately turn your thought to something more desirable, or to the task at hand. This same course of action repeated will gradually grow the power of putting more readily out of mind the bad thoughts, and will gradually grow the power of putting into the mind those thoughts one desires.
The result will be that as time passes the bad thought will present itself less and less, and it can be put out of the mind more easily each succeeding time, until the time comes when it can be put out without difficulty, and eventually the thought will not enter the mind at all.
So follow these two simple steps: first, form one's ideals; and second, follow them continually, whatever may arise, wherever they may lead. Life is not for mere passing pleasure, but for the highest realization that one can attain to, the noblest quality that one can grow, and for the greatest service that one can render to mankind. In this we will find the highest pleasure, for in actuality this is the only real pleasure. If you would try to find it by any short cuts, you will inevitably find that your end state is always worse than the first; and you will never find real and lasting pleasure.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
We have it within our power to determine what types of habits shall take form in our lives, "I will be what I will to be," can and should be said by every human soul. After this has been bravely and resolutely said, and fully inwardly realized, something yet remains. There is the great law underlying habit forming; there is a simple, natural, and thoroughly scientific method that all should know.
This law is known as the law of reflex action. It is similar to the reflex nerve system of the body, the law which says that whenever one does something, it is easier to do the same thing in the same way the next time, and still easier the next, and the next, and the next, until in time no effort is required, or no effort worth speaking of; but the opposite would require the effort.
Our mind carries with it the same power that perpetuates its own type of thought, the same as the body carries with it through the reflex nerve system, the power which perpetuates and makes continually easier repeated acts. So a simple effort to control one's thoughts, a simple doing it once and then again, even if at first failure is the result, and even if for a time failure seems to be about the only result, this action will in time, sooner or later, bring you to the point of easy, and complete control.
Thought is the force underlying all action. Understand this simple concept: Your every act, your every conscious act, is preceded and caused by a thought. So it can be reasoned that your dominating thoughts determine your dominating actions. So it must be understood that if thought is always parent to our acts, habits, character, and life, then it is necessary that we know how to control our thoughts.
In the realm of our own minds we can and should have absolute control and if at any time we do not; then there is a method by which we can gain control. In order to get to the point, let us look at this for a moment: Each one of us can grow the power of determining, that is controlling our thought, the power of determining what types of thought you have and what types you will not entertain.
Never forget this fact; that every earnest effort along any line makes the end aimed at just a little easier for each succeeding effort. This is a case where even failure is success, for the failure is not in the effort, and every earnest effort adds an increment of power that will eventually accomplish the end aimed at. We can, then, gain the full and complete power of determining what type of thoughts we entertain.
So if you discover that you are entertaining wrong thought, then the thought must be banished from the mind the instant it enters; dalliance with it means failure and defeat, or a fight that will be indescribably fiercer than it would have been if the thought were ejected at the beginning. Like the example of the match; at the striking of the match, with only a little effort of the breath it can be easily extinguished, but if left to seek fuel it will impart a flame that is raging through the entire building, and will be almost impossible to conquer, causing great loss.
A thought can be put out of the mind easier and more successfully, not by dwelling upon it, not by attempting to put it out directly, but by throwing the mind on to some other object; by putting some other object of thought into the mind. For example if a wrong thought enters your consciousness simply say to your self the word “garbage” labeling that thought as worthless, then immediately turn your thought to something more desirable, or to the task at hand. This same course of action repeated will gradually grow the power of putting more readily out of mind the bad thoughts, and will gradually grow the power of putting into the mind those thoughts one desires.
The result will be that as time passes the bad thought will present itself less and less, and it can be put out of the mind more easily each succeeding time, until the time comes when it can be put out without difficulty, and eventually the thought will not enter the mind at all.
So follow these two simple steps: first, form one's ideals; and second, follow them continually, whatever may arise, wherever they may lead. Life is not for mere passing pleasure, but for the highest realization that one can attain to, the noblest quality that one can grow, and for the greatest service that one can render to mankind. In this we will find the highest pleasure, for in actuality this is the only real pleasure. If you would try to find it by any short cuts, you will inevitably find that your end state is always worse than the first; and you will never find real and lasting pleasure.
Be Blessed
Labels: Law of Attraction