Monday, April 02, 2007
Manifesting You
We are forming habits every moment of our lives. Some habits are desirable, some are undesirable. Some, though not so bad in themselves, are exceedingly bad in their cumulative effects; and cause us loss, pain and anguish. While their opposites would, on the contrary, bring as much peace and joy, as well as a continually increasing power. Do we have it within our power to determine what types of habits take form in our lives? In other words, is habit-forming, or character-building, a matter of chance, or do we have control?
The answer is YES! We have control; of our thoughts, of our action and of our reactions… "I will be what I will to be," can and should be said by everybody.
After this has been said, and not just said, but realized, something still remains. Something remains to be said about the law of habit-forming/character-building; for there is a simple, natural, and thoroughly scientific method that we all should know. A method that if we use it; old, undesirable, earth-binding habits can be broken and new, desirable, heaven lifting habits can be acquired. A method that when used, your life can be changed. Provided one is sincere to know, and by knowing it, to use this law.
Thought is the force underlying all things. So what does this mean? Simply this: Your every act - every conscious act - is preceded by a thought. Your dominating thoughts determine your dominating actions. In the realm of your own mind you have absolute control. If at any time you do not, then there is a method by which you can gain control, and in the realm of your mind become the master.
In order to get to the foundation of this concept, let us look at this statement for a moment: If thought is always parent to our acts, habits, character, and life, then it is necessary that we know how to control our thoughts.
To make an example to help understand this concept, let’s refer to that law of the mind which is the same as the law with the reflex system of the body. This law simply says that whenever one does a certain thing in a certain way it is easier to do the same thing in the same way the next time, and still easier the next, and the next, until, in time, almost no effort is required. Think of a habit you have that you perform every day almost effortlessly. Do you make coffee every morning in the same way? What routine do you follow in the morning? When you first started so many years ago there was effort required to get a certain task done. Then every day you completed that task again and again, day after day. Now it is a habit and you probably do not remember when there was a time that you did not do it. Do you remember the first time you made coffee in the morning?
The mind carries with it the power that perpetuates its own type of thought, the same as the body carries with it through the reflex system the power which perpetuates and makes continually easier its own particular acts. So a simple effort is required to control your thoughts, a start, a get to it, an actual exertion of will, a little effort.
If at first failure is the result, or even if for a time failure seems to be about the only result, keep trying. It will in time, sooner or later, bring you to the point of easy, full, and complete control. When you learned a skill were you an overnight success? Probably not, you had to learn step a, then step b and so on until you could accomplish the task for the first time. Then the second time became a little faster, a little easier. Then one day you found yourself having people come to you to be taught. The first time you rode a bike or roller skated, was it a work of beauty? Do you think Olympic athletes just woke up this morning and decided to go win a medal as it sounds like something to do today? No it took that fear causing word that so many people hate; practice.
With practice, and more practice, each of us can grow the power of determining, controlling our thought. The power of determining what types of thought you will have and what thought you will not. Never forget this one fact; that every earnest effort along any line makes the end aimed at just a little easier for each succeeding effort. Once you start, the next time is easier, even if, as has been said, apparent failure is the result of your first efforts. This is a case where even failure is success, for the failure is not in the effort, and every earnest effort adds an increment of power that will eventually accomplish the end aimed at.
You can, with a sincere effort and practice, gain full and complete power of determining what type of thoughts you entertain, and in doing so you can become the person you know you should be.
Be Blessed
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
The answer is YES! We have control; of our thoughts, of our action and of our reactions… "I will be what I will to be," can and should be said by everybody.
After this has been said, and not just said, but realized, something still remains. Something remains to be said about the law of habit-forming/character-building; for there is a simple, natural, and thoroughly scientific method that we all should know. A method that if we use it; old, undesirable, earth-binding habits can be broken and new, desirable, heaven lifting habits can be acquired. A method that when used, your life can be changed. Provided one is sincere to know, and by knowing it, to use this law.
Thought is the force underlying all things. So what does this mean? Simply this: Your every act - every conscious act - is preceded by a thought. Your dominating thoughts determine your dominating actions. In the realm of your own mind you have absolute control. If at any time you do not, then there is a method by which you can gain control, and in the realm of your mind become the master.
In order to get to the foundation of this concept, let us look at this statement for a moment: If thought is always parent to our acts, habits, character, and life, then it is necessary that we know how to control our thoughts.
To make an example to help understand this concept, let’s refer to that law of the mind which is the same as the law with the reflex system of the body. This law simply says that whenever one does a certain thing in a certain way it is easier to do the same thing in the same way the next time, and still easier the next, and the next, until, in time, almost no effort is required. Think of a habit you have that you perform every day almost effortlessly. Do you make coffee every morning in the same way? What routine do you follow in the morning? When you first started so many years ago there was effort required to get a certain task done. Then every day you completed that task again and again, day after day. Now it is a habit and you probably do not remember when there was a time that you did not do it. Do you remember the first time you made coffee in the morning?
The mind carries with it the power that perpetuates its own type of thought, the same as the body carries with it through the reflex system the power which perpetuates and makes continually easier its own particular acts. So a simple effort is required to control your thoughts, a start, a get to it, an actual exertion of will, a little effort.
If at first failure is the result, or even if for a time failure seems to be about the only result, keep trying. It will in time, sooner or later, bring you to the point of easy, full, and complete control. When you learned a skill were you an overnight success? Probably not, you had to learn step a, then step b and so on until you could accomplish the task for the first time. Then the second time became a little faster, a little easier. Then one day you found yourself having people come to you to be taught. The first time you rode a bike or roller skated, was it a work of beauty? Do you think Olympic athletes just woke up this morning and decided to go win a medal as it sounds like something to do today? No it took that fear causing word that so many people hate; practice.
With practice, and more practice, each of us can grow the power of determining, controlling our thought. The power of determining what types of thought you will have and what thought you will not. Never forget this one fact; that every earnest effort along any line makes the end aimed at just a little easier for each succeeding effort. Once you start, the next time is easier, even if, as has been said, apparent failure is the result of your first efforts. This is a case where even failure is success, for the failure is not in the effort, and every earnest effort adds an increment of power that will eventually accomplish the end aimed at.
You can, with a sincere effort and practice, gain full and complete power of determining what type of thoughts you entertain, and in doing so you can become the person you know you should be.
Be Blessed