Monday, April 30, 2007
Manifestation with Action
We have been talking about the use of manifestation to bring things you desire into your life. Remember the steps, you have a thought, then take an action and then bring that desire into your reality. One of the main steps of the steps of manifesting is action, but what exactly is this action?
Action it is the process of doing something in order to achieve a purpose, the way in which something functions, or the effect it produces. We must take action; do something that gets things moving. So what is it that we must do?
The simplest yet the hardest is; to write it down… The act of writing it down creates what you desire and causes the forces of the universe to begin to move in the direction necessary for your desire to become reality. You begin to create what you desire by writing it down.
Write it until it is right. You may have to write it a few times to get the wording correct. I must give you a horrific warning here: Be very careful what you ask for as you will get it.
Many people will not take this essential action. Why? Because they say it is too silly, “or I will do it later”, or some reason that makes sense to them. Regardless of the reason, they are wrong. Without this first and powerful step nothing will change. Nothing done is nothing earned! Earned means to acquire something as a reward for, or as a result of your actions or behavior. Do nothing and that is what happens.
So go get yourself a piece of paper and write out your desire. Put it somewhere where it can be seen by you all the time. If you do not put it out in the open it will not come into reality any time soon. Post your desire where it can be seen, in plain sight, out in the open. There it will be seen and will become a reality faster than you may think.
Some of you may scoff and say this is bull hooey, so I offer you a piece of evidence. I know this woman who gets quite a lot done just by writing it down. One example: She gets her yard mowed with no other action than just writing it down. She takes no actual or physical action, she simple writes it down and it happens.
This person is my wife. She writes “Mow the lawn” on the honey do list, and pins it to the fridge. Then I bumble along and see this note and go get out the mower and cut the grass.
Did this woman care how or when it happened? No, the simple act of writing it down caused her desire to come into reality.
So write it down, post it where you can see it and it can be seen. Do not worry about how or when; simply trust that it will come to pass. Then it will soon come into your reality, and you can begin the “live happily ever after” part of your life.
Be Blessed
Manifesting Course
A New and Better Universe
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
Action it is the process of doing something in order to achieve a purpose, the way in which something functions, or the effect it produces. We must take action; do something that gets things moving. So what is it that we must do?
The simplest yet the hardest is; to write it down… The act of writing it down creates what you desire and causes the forces of the universe to begin to move in the direction necessary for your desire to become reality. You begin to create what you desire by writing it down.
Write it until it is right. You may have to write it a few times to get the wording correct. I must give you a horrific warning here: Be very careful what you ask for as you will get it.
Many people will not take this essential action. Why? Because they say it is too silly, “or I will do it later”, or some reason that makes sense to them. Regardless of the reason, they are wrong. Without this first and powerful step nothing will change. Nothing done is nothing earned! Earned means to acquire something as a reward for, or as a result of your actions or behavior. Do nothing and that is what happens.
So go get yourself a piece of paper and write out your desire. Put it somewhere where it can be seen by you all the time. If you do not put it out in the open it will not come into reality any time soon. Post your desire where it can be seen, in plain sight, out in the open. There it will be seen and will become a reality faster than you may think.
Some of you may scoff and say this is bull hooey, so I offer you a piece of evidence. I know this woman who gets quite a lot done just by writing it down. One example: She gets her yard mowed with no other action than just writing it down. She takes no actual or physical action, she simple writes it down and it happens.
This person is my wife. She writes “Mow the lawn” on the honey do list, and pins it to the fridge. Then I bumble along and see this note and go get out the mower and cut the grass.
Did this woman care how or when it happened? No, the simple act of writing it down caused her desire to come into reality.
So write it down, post it where you can see it and it can be seen. Do not worry about how or when; simply trust that it will come to pass. Then it will soon come into your reality, and you can begin the “live happily ever after” part of your life.
Be Blessed
Manifesting Course
A New and Better Universe