Thursday, February 01, 2007
The Law of Attraction: Your worst nightmare.
The law of attraction is way over-rated. All around you are all these new guru type people preaching this new gospel about attraction.
You are probably wondering about the law of attraction. Its basic principle is this: Whatever you focus on expands. In other words, think positive thoughts and you attract positive things into your life The problem is that it works in reverse too. Worry and you get more to worry about. If you think something bad will happen and worry about it, then that bad thing will happen.
The sad thing is we have been taught since our youth to be negative. We learned at an early age to worry about stuff. We watched our parents argue about not enough money and were told that it was normal. We learned to expect crap and live with crap and be crap. Like all skills, the more you practice, the better you get. We are experts at worry and low expectations. If we think something bad will happen, then by-golly it does. We are fantastic at manifesting our own crap. We are good at maintaining our poverty. We are gurus when it comes to having bad stuff happen to us. Most of us can tell a story of some heartbreaking mis-adventure. When we do those who listen agree and tell us that’s just the way life is. We have been told to get a job and be useful to society. Most of us have. However we have backbreaking hard jobs that we are told to work hard at, as hard work is the way to success. That is the law of attraction at work.
Aren’t you starting to get tired of working hard for a living only to barely make ends meet? If hard work is the way to success and riches then construction workers should be the richest people in the world.
Then there are the criminals. Why are they criminals? They want something different than a job; 40 years of work and then retire (maybe) grow old and die. They too have been taught that life is not fair, take what you get or get nothing. They have been shown how to have low self-esteem and instead of using their natural entrepreneurial skills to start a business they figure out how to commit crimes instead. They do not value other people or themselves enough to try to give value to their lives. Instead they try to take it rather than make it. They refuse to take responsibility for themselves and their actions. Thus becoming a criminal. That is the law of attraction at work.
Then there are the people with other problems. Alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity, neurosis, phobias, and so on. They too have been taught wrong. They can’t help it, they are victims. They do not know how to think of the right things. All they worry about is the next fix, the next drink, and so on. So their miserable lives continue to be miserable. That is the law of attraction at work.
People who talk about conspiracy theories are right. There is a great conspiracy. The universe wants to give us what we want. Most of us call the universe God. God wants to give us what we want. How does God know what we want? By listening to our thoughts! What we think about is what we get. That is the law of attraction.
Think about stuff and it happens. Unfortunately we have not been taught the right way. We have learned the negative, the wrong way to think. We expect life to be hard and cruel, and that is exactly what we get. We think money is something we either have or do not have. We worry about having enough money to pay the bills. That’s what we get, barely enough to pay the bills. That is the law of attraction at work.
It is a nightmare. We attract crap because we think crap and then we wonder why. Here is another bitter pill to swallow. When we complain "how can God do this to us?" We are only attracting more crap. Its not fair and we don’t have to put up with it.
We can take control of our lives. We can make our lives better.
So what can we do differently that can change our life so it is no longer a crapload of crap?
The answer is very hard to actually do. It is so hard that most people who read this will not do it. They will make an excuse that they cant for some reason and then continue to have a life of crap.
Remember the words of Henry Ford. "If you think you can or you think you cant, your right".
So what is it? Here it is: Be conscious of your thoughts. That’s right, be aware of what you are thinking. Only think about what you want to happen. Do not think about what you do not want. Whatever you think about, that is what will happen. That is the law of attraction!
The problem is in controlling your thoughts. After years of thinking about all the bad stuff, and making excuses, it will be hard to stop. If you want your life to continue as it has, then do nothing but what you are doing now. However if you want to see changes then you must teach yourself to think a different way. You must teach yourself to think only about what you do want. That is the law of attraction.
You must teach yourself to not complain. The more you complain the more you get to complain about. You must teach yourself to not worry about your fears or they will come into your reality. Instead of complaining and worrying, try to give compliments to people and change what you worry about. Wouldn’t it be great to worry about paying too much taxes? I think it would be better to think about paying ten grand in taxes than think about only earning ten grand. If you are paying ten grand in taxes you have made way more than ten grand in income.
Start thinking about what you want. Whenever you start the old "woe is me" again, stop and think about that resort vacation instead. Correct thinking is thinking about your dreams, goals, and helping other people. Once you have mastered correct thinking, the law of attraction can help you achieve anything you desire.
It takes some time to be aware of your thoughts and then a bit longer to learn to control your thoughts. You must make the effort. If you just try a little every day, you will soon find it easier and easier to think positive. Can you try to have just one positive thought every day? Once you find this positive thought is easy to do, then you can work on the next thought. Work every day on replacing your thoughts with good thoughts. If you catch yourself thinking about something bad, STOP. Then think something good. This is how you control the law of attraction.
The law of attraction works weather you want it to or not. Its like gravity, it works all the time and affects everyone equally. You might as well use this for your advantage instead of letting it use you. Let us plot together, how can we make this darn law of attraction work for us?
The first thing we need to do is remember our dreams. When you were a kid did you want to grow up to be a night shift cashier? On the other hand, did you want to be an astronaut? Now realize that its not too late you can be whoever you want to. You can still be what you want to be.
The second thing to do is write it down. If you cant do that then find a picture of the thing you want to be. A pilot, a police officer, a firefighter, a business owner, your own lawn service or your own restaurant. What is it you want? Write it down, find a picture, draw a picture, something to bring your dream back to the present. So it is no longer buried in the past.
The next step is to think about it. Put the paper where you can see it everyday. This will remind you of what it is you want from life. Then you need to think about it. What will it feel like when you have it? What kind of clothes will you be wearing? Where will your home be? Will you have your own truck or car, or will you be in a limo? Think about it every day. When you find yourself with nothing to do like waiting in line, then think about your dream. When you catch yourself starting to worry about something, worry about your dream instead.
When you take these steps you will see your life changing. Miracles will soon be common in your life. You will meet people who can help you, circumstances that are favorable, and the whole thing will start to come together. Your life will change when you change what you think about.
So change your thoughts. Stop thinking about bad things and think of good things. Try it you’ll like it.
Live well
You are probably wondering about the law of attraction. Its basic principle is this: Whatever you focus on expands. In other words, think positive thoughts and you attract positive things into your life The problem is that it works in reverse too. Worry and you get more to worry about. If you think something bad will happen and worry about it, then that bad thing will happen.
The sad thing is we have been taught since our youth to be negative. We learned at an early age to worry about stuff. We watched our parents argue about not enough money and were told that it was normal. We learned to expect crap and live with crap and be crap. Like all skills, the more you practice, the better you get. We are experts at worry and low expectations. If we think something bad will happen, then by-golly it does. We are fantastic at manifesting our own crap. We are good at maintaining our poverty. We are gurus when it comes to having bad stuff happen to us. Most of us can tell a story of some heartbreaking mis-adventure. When we do those who listen agree and tell us that’s just the way life is. We have been told to get a job and be useful to society. Most of us have. However we have backbreaking hard jobs that we are told to work hard at, as hard work is the way to success. That is the law of attraction at work.
Aren’t you starting to get tired of working hard for a living only to barely make ends meet? If hard work is the way to success and riches then construction workers should be the richest people in the world.
Then there are the criminals. Why are they criminals? They want something different than a job; 40 years of work and then retire (maybe) grow old and die. They too have been taught that life is not fair, take what you get or get nothing. They have been shown how to have low self-esteem and instead of using their natural entrepreneurial skills to start a business they figure out how to commit crimes instead. They do not value other people or themselves enough to try to give value to their lives. Instead they try to take it rather than make it. They refuse to take responsibility for themselves and their actions. Thus becoming a criminal. That is the law of attraction at work.
Then there are the people with other problems. Alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity, neurosis, phobias, and so on. They too have been taught wrong. They can’t help it, they are victims. They do not know how to think of the right things. All they worry about is the next fix, the next drink, and so on. So their miserable lives continue to be miserable. That is the law of attraction at work.
People who talk about conspiracy theories are right. There is a great conspiracy. The universe wants to give us what we want. Most of us call the universe God. God wants to give us what we want. How does God know what we want? By listening to our thoughts! What we think about is what we get. That is the law of attraction.
Think about stuff and it happens. Unfortunately we have not been taught the right way. We have learned the negative, the wrong way to think. We expect life to be hard and cruel, and that is exactly what we get. We think money is something we either have or do not have. We worry about having enough money to pay the bills. That’s what we get, barely enough to pay the bills. That is the law of attraction at work.
It is a nightmare. We attract crap because we think crap and then we wonder why. Here is another bitter pill to swallow. When we complain "how can God do this to us?" We are only attracting more crap. Its not fair and we don’t have to put up with it.
We can take control of our lives. We can make our lives better.
So what can we do differently that can change our life so it is no longer a crapload of crap?
The answer is very hard to actually do. It is so hard that most people who read this will not do it. They will make an excuse that they cant for some reason and then continue to have a life of crap.
Remember the words of Henry Ford. "If you think you can or you think you cant, your right".
So what is it? Here it is: Be conscious of your thoughts. That’s right, be aware of what you are thinking. Only think about what you want to happen. Do not think about what you do not want. Whatever you think about, that is what will happen. That is the law of attraction!
The problem is in controlling your thoughts. After years of thinking about all the bad stuff, and making excuses, it will be hard to stop. If you want your life to continue as it has, then do nothing but what you are doing now. However if you want to see changes then you must teach yourself to think a different way. You must teach yourself to think only about what you do want. That is the law of attraction.
You must teach yourself to not complain. The more you complain the more you get to complain about. You must teach yourself to not worry about your fears or they will come into your reality. Instead of complaining and worrying, try to give compliments to people and change what you worry about. Wouldn’t it be great to worry about paying too much taxes? I think it would be better to think about paying ten grand in taxes than think about only earning ten grand. If you are paying ten grand in taxes you have made way more than ten grand in income.
Start thinking about what you want. Whenever you start the old "woe is me" again, stop and think about that resort vacation instead. Correct thinking is thinking about your dreams, goals, and helping other people. Once you have mastered correct thinking, the law of attraction can help you achieve anything you desire.
It takes some time to be aware of your thoughts and then a bit longer to learn to control your thoughts. You must make the effort. If you just try a little every day, you will soon find it easier and easier to think positive. Can you try to have just one positive thought every day? Once you find this positive thought is easy to do, then you can work on the next thought. Work every day on replacing your thoughts with good thoughts. If you catch yourself thinking about something bad, STOP. Then think something good. This is how you control the law of attraction.
The law of attraction works weather you want it to or not. Its like gravity, it works all the time and affects everyone equally. You might as well use this for your advantage instead of letting it use you. Let us plot together, how can we make this darn law of attraction work for us?
The first thing we need to do is remember our dreams. When you were a kid did you want to grow up to be a night shift cashier? On the other hand, did you want to be an astronaut? Now realize that its not too late you can be whoever you want to. You can still be what you want to be.
The second thing to do is write it down. If you cant do that then find a picture of the thing you want to be. A pilot, a police officer, a firefighter, a business owner, your own lawn service or your own restaurant. What is it you want? Write it down, find a picture, draw a picture, something to bring your dream back to the present. So it is no longer buried in the past.
The next step is to think about it. Put the paper where you can see it everyday. This will remind you of what it is you want from life. Then you need to think about it. What will it feel like when you have it? What kind of clothes will you be wearing? Where will your home be? Will you have your own truck or car, or will you be in a limo? Think about it every day. When you find yourself with nothing to do like waiting in line, then think about your dream. When you catch yourself starting to worry about something, worry about your dream instead.
When you take these steps you will see your life changing. Miracles will soon be common in your life. You will meet people who can help you, circumstances that are favorable, and the whole thing will start to come together. Your life will change when you change what you think about.
So change your thoughts. Stop thinking about bad things and think of good things. Try it you’ll like it.
Live well
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Two things...
1. If I had to sum the entire thing up, it's that the Law of Attraction
is all about alignment. You've got to do the "work" if you want to
bring something info your life.
This is where I think people mess up, which gives the entire thing the
"MLM/Amway" kind of vibe. You can't just sit around eating junk food
and watching reruns and expect to live on the beach...regardless of what
the infomercials say.
People like Joe Vitale are out working. Bob Proctor is out working.
James Ray is out working.
2. I found a FREE book (yes, FREE) that helped me figure out all of
this. has it and it's well worth the read.
And like I said, it's FREE. So you can't argue that the guy is trying
to take advantage of people looking for a "magic pill" or whatever else
I've been hearing over the last 2-3 weeks since this thing hit Oprah.
Post a Comment
1. If I had to sum the entire thing up, it's that the Law of Attraction
is all about alignment. You've got to do the "work" if you want to
bring something info your life.
This is where I think people mess up, which gives the entire thing the
"MLM/Amway" kind of vibe. You can't just sit around eating junk food
and watching reruns and expect to live on the beach...regardless of what
the infomercials say.
People like Joe Vitale are out working. Bob Proctor is out working.
James Ray is out working.
2. I found a FREE book (yes, FREE) that helped me figure out all of
this. has it and it's well worth the read.
And like I said, it's FREE. So you can't argue that the guy is trying
to take advantage of people looking for a "magic pill" or whatever else
I've been hearing over the last 2-3 weeks since this thing hit Oprah.
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