Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Changing Your life
In the universe, there is thinking material out of which every single thing is made. It fills every single open space in the universe. An idea that you push into this material makes that very shape of that idea. Thus, the idea becomes reality. So, to do this, you got to get away from the idea of competing, and start focusing on creating, otherwise, you are not in tune with the Big āUā(which some call God) who is always creating and never competing.
You can get in tune with this spirit by always being thankful for all the good things that have been given to you by God. By being thankful, you are joining your mind with God's, and that way you can always stay on the creating field.
You have to get a crystal clear vision of that which you want. Be thankful that you have it (present tense. even if you don't physically have it, you need to be thankful as though you have already received it, to make it a reality) Have complete faith that this which you want is already yours!
It is this faith when joined with the thankfulness that makes the idea a reality! To get what you want, you have to be doing something. You can't just "take up space". You do that by making every single action that you do, in your business, whether for yourself or in the employ of another, a complete success. Do it right the first time with the best possible outcome for every single thing you do.
You have to give everybody that you come in contact with or do business with more use value than what they give you in cash value, or vice versa. Every single deal that you are involved with has to make sure that you, as well as the other party, come out with more than what you started with.
The whole idea is that life is based on the idea of MORE for everybody. How rich you will become is based on these four things: How clear your mental picture is How dead set you are on your REASON for getting rich (it must be done with a purpose. The key here is this: you are gaining your riches for things you CAN USE, not to rub it in somebody else's face. Remember, the LOVE of money is the root of all kinds of evil, but USING money is not evil. But, it must be USED, and not wasted.) How dead set your BELIEF is that you are getting rich. And, last but not least: How thankful you are for all that you receive. This is the end of these lessons. Go back to them often. Master them. Learn them. Teach others, not just in words, but in your very actions! Like I said, Repetition does work, and the more you focus on these lessons, the more you will learn, and the richer you will become!
Learn How to Be Happy Every Day for the Rest of Your Life!
You can get in tune with this spirit by always being thankful for all the good things that have been given to you by God. By being thankful, you are joining your mind with God's, and that way you can always stay on the creating field.
You have to get a crystal clear vision of that which you want. Be thankful that you have it (present tense. even if you don't physically have it, you need to be thankful as though you have already received it, to make it a reality) Have complete faith that this which you want is already yours!
It is this faith when joined with the thankfulness that makes the idea a reality! To get what you want, you have to be doing something. You can't just "take up space". You do that by making every single action that you do, in your business, whether for yourself or in the employ of another, a complete success. Do it right the first time with the best possible outcome for every single thing you do.
You have to give everybody that you come in contact with or do business with more use value than what they give you in cash value, or vice versa. Every single deal that you are involved with has to make sure that you, as well as the other party, come out with more than what you started with.
The whole idea is that life is based on the idea of MORE for everybody. How rich you will become is based on these four things: How clear your mental picture is How dead set you are on your REASON for getting rich (it must be done with a purpose. The key here is this: you are gaining your riches for things you CAN USE, not to rub it in somebody else's face. Remember, the LOVE of money is the root of all kinds of evil, but USING money is not evil. But, it must be USED, and not wasted.) How dead set your BELIEF is that you are getting rich. And, last but not least: How thankful you are for all that you receive. This is the end of these lessons. Go back to them often. Master them. Learn them. Teach others, not just in words, but in your very actions! Like I said, Repetition does work, and the more you focus on these lessons, the more you will learn, and the richer you will become!